Lose you

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 Bucky said in shock "You're Steve's granddaughter. You carry the gene and that means Erik does too. That is why he looked so familiar to me. He looks like Steve when we were kids. Why didn't I see it before." He put his head in his hands.

 "No how is that possible. I was raised by my parents..." she looked at the note on the back of the picture.

Hey little girl,

Sorry to tell you this way. Someday you'll find out who you really are and I hope I'll be able to explain but in case I don't. My name is Steve Rogers and I am your grandfather. I know you will have heard of me. I know that possibly our paths will have crossed but that is a complicated story. Let me start with your beginning. Your father was my son, James, and your mother was the woman you will have heard, was your aunt Gretchen. My son was murdered when you were very young because of he was like me a hero and your mother died of heartache for it. That is why I hid you. I wanted to keep you and raise you myself so badly but I knew you needed a normal life away from all this danger. I made the decision to be a super soldier, James and you were born into it. Your powers have not begun and if you choose not to use them I understand. Please if I am still alive come and find me. I want to see the person you become. I love you more than words little girl. If you ever need help look for my best friends James "Bucky" Barnes and Sam Wilson. They will protect you if I can't.

I love you Lyra Lynn Rogers.

Forever your Grandfather,

Steven G Rogers

"Oh my God, Damn it Steve, you could have told me. Fuck. What did I do?" Bucky is almost screaming. He hits a wall and knocks plaster to the floor.

"James stop. It's okay. I'm not upset. I still love you. It's okay." She pleads with him to calm down.

Just then Bucky sees a red dot on Lyra's shoulder and he pushes her down: "They're here get down and stay close to me" He grabs her hand and they try to edge their way back out to his bike. "There are too many people I can't see who is targeting us."

"James what do we do?" she ask nervous about the situation but knowing she can't have a panic attack right now.

"There he is" Bucky spotted a guy dressed in black gear standing about 20 feet away looking in their direction searching for them. 

Bucky pulled a gun out of his waste band and protectively shielded Lyra behind him. He motioned for her to stay down behind the lockers and he step around and fired at the man. 

He went down with a thud and then the whole station erupted in chaos as all the people heard Bucky's shot ring out. 

Bucky grabbed Lyra's hand again and they ran. Two more gunmen fired at them but they managed to duck and dodge back to the bike. He was shaking, slightly because of the whole situation. He was so upset but he needed to get her out of here. They had put all the paperwork back in the envelope.  Bucky is silent the entire ride back to his apartment. Lyra silently cries while sitting behind him. Her fear and self-doubt terrifying her that this news will make him leave her.

Once they reach the apartment Bucky took her upstairs and asked her to go into the bedroom and let him call Sam and tell him what they discovered. She accepted and went to kiss him. Just as her lips are about to touch his he turns and kissed her on the cheek. "James" she said his name with so much pain at that moment from his rejection. 

"Lyra just give me a few minutes to process all this, okay. You're Steve's granddaughter. My best friend and I... I need to talk to Sam. Okay, I promise. I'm not going anywhere I just need to process this." He kissed her forehead but he couldn't look her in the eyes. 

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