Where do we go now

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Bucky and Lyra walked down the hallway to the little room where the little girl is screaming her head off. When they opened the door there she lay in her crib and immediately her eyes shot to Lyra. Her hands reached for her mother.

Lyra rushed to the crib and picked up her beautiful baby girl.

"Hi princess, momma is here. I'm sorry it took me some time to get here but I'm home now."

"She was really hard to handle sometimes without you. Being a daddy's girl she wouldn't let many people hold or soothe her except me." Bucky told her as he put his arm around his girls.

"She's so much bigger now."

"Yeah you were out for a bit and she ate a lot."

"Well, babies do that James."

"So what do you want to do from here?"

"I want to find peace for us."

"Maybe we go back to Texas?"

"No, I don't think that is the answer."

She walked the baby over to a chair and sat down while she cooed and doted on her.

"This is a huge decision and I.. I want to make sure it is the right one for us all. Erick is happy here or at least in this area. He loves playing with the Stark girl, Tony would absolutely hate that by the way. Ha but anyway I think... I think we should stay here. Not at the compound but here in upstate New York. We get a place near Pepper and we raise the kids here. I mean it's close to where Steve and I grew up and you can teach them all the Southern Charm stuff but.."

"James, I think this is it. This is our home." 

So they did it. 

They settled in New York and the Winter Soldier finally got to have the peace he craved and the family he longed for. Steven watched on for a time until his time finally came. The children grew and developed into amazing heroes themselves. 

Do you really think it would be that simple ;) 

...We shall see 

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