Training Days

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The next morning Lyra had slept well with the knowledge that a new relationship was blossoming between her and Bucky. She was excited but that twinge of self-doubt was still there nagging at her in the back of her mind. She knew he wanted her now but would he after he saw all her flaws. She stood in the bathroom mirror after her shower and looked at her body. There were stretch marks on her stomach from when she was expecting Erik and some from the weight she had gained over time. It was hard to want to get in shape after she had Erik. Luke traveled a lot for his job and she was home with the baby. Struggling with self-doubt because she hadn't found the right job after getting her degree and her doubt of being a good mother. 

Erik was a small baby at birth and struggled the first month to gain weight. She had breast fed but he never seemed to get enough from her. So, she felt like she wasn't enough. Erik had to supplement with formula to gain weight and really get healthy. This was hard on her mind. She was struggling with  a lot and Luke didn't know because he was gone so much. She had never blamed him. It was her own issues but looking in the mirror at that moment it all came flooding back to her and she made a decision. 

She quickly dressed and went outside to find Bucky looking for more worms so he and Erik could fish again today. 

"Hey Doll, I missed you last night but I could tell little guy wanted you to himself when he came and saw us on the porch. I'm not ready to fight him off ya just yet" He winked at her. 

"Yeah, it was nice but I missed you." She reached out and took his hand.  

He dropped the pail and put his metal arm around her lower back. He pulled her close and went to kiss her.. but she put her other hand to his chest and stopped him. 

"Before that... I need to ask you something."

He arched an eyebrow at her and looked slightly annoyed that she had denied him her kiss but he was intrigued "Sure, anything doll"

"James, I want you to train me to fight. I want to be able to defend myself in case something happens and we get separated. I also want to get in better shape."

"Your shape is perfect and you don't need to fight. I'm here and if for some reason I can't be, Sam, or one of the other Avengers, will be. I'll never let anything hurt you or Erik."

"James, please. I need this. I need to have confidence in my  own abilities."

"OH. I see." he pauses and kisses her forehead. He understood. This wasn't so much about her doubting her safety it was to prove to herself that she could do it. She needed to overcome her self-doubt and this was a great way to do that. 

"You do?" she wasn't so sure that he was really taking her seriously.

"Yes, Lyra. I will teach you how to defend yourself and how to fight but you have to promise me that it wont make you upset if it takes a little time."

"James, I feel like right now time is something we definitely have."

"Yeah, okay."

She kissed him excitedly and ran back into the house. He stared after her a little dumbfounded but with a grin on his face nonetheless. 

About 15 minutes later, she came out of the house dressed in a tank top and some leggings with her tennis shoes. She ran up to him and said "I'm ready"

"Whoa" he looked her over and admired the  way the leggings hugged her plump ass. "Damn"

"James, Erik is right over there." She pointed at the front porch where Erik was playing with his action figures and his mousey. 

"Hey Erik, your mom looks..." she put her hand over his mouth. 

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