20. Summer

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During the summer, Niall, Finley, Louis, Harry, Liam, Sophia, Zayn, and I all went to the Sam Smith concert. Before that we went to Liam's graduation and it was insanely fun. Sophia was also graduating with him and it was so nice to see the two together. 

I had decided on taking online classes so in the fall I would technically be a senior. I wanted to get out of highschool as soon as possible, but not just for Zayn. I have always wanted to graduate early and I thought it would be an interesting experience so I'm taking my junior classes online. 

Liam walked on stage and soon after him, Sophia Smith walked on stage and then their whole class threw their graduation caps in the air. It was such a beautiful moment and I couldn't believe that next year (as a junior) that's what I would be doing. 

After graduation, Finley, Sophia, and I got to know each other a lot better and Sophia was so nice. We went on a little shopping trip and they asked me about the internship.

"I got the internship so for almost three hours a day I will be at Malik Incorporated." 

"That's so awesome!" 

"That's great that you and Harry will be graduating with us," Finley smiled. 

Due to my stubborn-ness, I paid for my own ticket but thank god Zayn wasn't upset about that. At the concert it was amazing, I literally felt like I was re-born and having my friends by my side really made me think about the future. 

Where are we all going to be in ten years? 

I looked to my right and Zayn was cheering extremely loud, as were the rest of us. In that moment I realized that this was exactly where I wanted to be, by Zayn's side, with all of my friends. It was the most beautiful epiphany anyone could have.

When we walked out of the stadium I felt like a new person. Sam Smith's voice was absolutely incredible and his accent was so lovely. I loved him with all of my heart and Harry and I were fangirling.

We had been wanting to see him live ever since we heard about him, on the radio. It was the best night.

We all went over to Harry's house after that and stayed up late talking about the concert. 

The rest of the summer consisted of Zayn and I visiting Trisha and Melissa working in the hospital and babysitting the daycare kids. It was probably the best summer I have had in a long time. 

On the fourth of July, we all went downtown and had dinner. It was amazing, even though it's something we do all of the time. We also met Niall's new girlfriend, Melissa. They were 'lowkey' but everyone in our group knew, so it was public to us.

"What happened to Finley?" Sophia frowned.

"People change," Niall shrugged. 

I did feel bad for Niall because Melissa wasn't very talkative and Sophia bringing up Finley in front of her made him very uncomfortable.

"I can't believe Niall and Melissa are a thing," Louis rolled his eyes and Harry just stifled a laugh.

"I miss Finley," I openly admitted.

Niall and Melissa had gone off to do whatever and Sophia and Liam left as well. This was the original squad I had come close to.

"How do you two feel about graduating a year early?" Zayn asked and put his arm around me.

I know Zayn was mainly asking me but Harry was graduating too and I'm sure he didn't want to seem like a prick.

"I feel good," I shrugged.

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