-Under The Stars-

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Takeshi/Butch  Kaoru/Buttercup
Jiao/Boomer  Miyako/Bubbles

"I'm sorry, Takeshi...I love you so much.."Brooklyn said sadly leaving her now ex-boyfriend hangin'.

Takeshi played with his basketball, shooting it through the hoop..sometimes sports made him feel better. Lately, he's been down rock bottom, turns out his girlfriend only been playing with his feelings for revenge after he and his brothers attack her evil family. Herself was feeling bad for Takeshi but..family comes first.

Last week, Kaoru and her friends expose her doing evil things..and that instant Takeshi broke up with her...the thing is he's not heartbroken because of Brooklyn.

It's because he misses Kaoru,
She was always his best friend, she stick with him through thick and thin. And she actually warned him about Brooklyn...but he didn't listen, now he regrets all of it.
He now realize that....

He Loves Her.

"Takeshi.."Jiao said walking upto his brother, followed by Ikuto.
"We already told you she was a bad influence on you, and your grieving because of her?"Ikuto asked and sighed.

Takeshi looked at them, "I'm not grieving, I'm just...I wished I've realize this before.."Takeshi said looking down again sadly.

"Then what's wrong?"Jiao asked.
"I'm in love with Kaoru and..now I lost her.."he said.

"What do you mean you lost Kaoru, I just talked to her a few hours ago back at school!"Jiao said, making Ikuto facepalmed while Takeshi smack the back of his head. "OW!"Jiao cried and glared at his two brothers.

"That's not what he meant, dummy!" Ikuto said angrily.
"The point is I don't have a chance to win her heart back, she will think I'm playing with her.she's already avoiding me..I don't want her to avoid me even more.." Takeshi explained.

Ikuto struck an Idea, "wait I think we could help you brother..it's a bit hard, but we can make it happen!" He said with full of hopes. Takeshi looked at him and see what he had in mind.

The RRBZ's and The PPGZ's were fighting Mojo. Until suddenly he gave in "I will get my revenge you on you brats!"he said as he flew away with his giant robot.

"Even if you came back we will always fight you Mojo!" Blossom said smiling. Brick touched her shoulder and smiled at her.
Boomer went to Bubbles 80d asked if she was okay and gave her a few kisses.

"I'm okay,Boomer.."she said reassuring him. Buttercup glance to her two friends having the best relationships..how she wish she could be like that as well.

But I guess Butch only see her as a friend. His relationship with Brooklyn, made him avoid  Kaoru more often. And now after the break up, Kaoru is the one avoiding him.

Suddenly Buttercup saw Butch flying away, and she spotted Brick and Boomer crying...kinda?
and being comforted by their girlfriends. Boomer sobbed,"why are you d-doing this Butch?"he asked to himself making Buttercup confused.

"What happen?"Buttercup asked getting closer to her friends.
"It's alright Boom Boom, we have to be strong f-for him.." he said wiping his tear away.
"What do you mean, what's wrong with Butch?!"Buttercup asked demandedly.

"It's because of that f*cking ex-girlfriend of his!!"Everyone went wide eyed at Boomer's cursing. He never cursed before.
He only cursed at worse times,
"He felt so hurt..how dare she hurt our brother!"said Brick.

"But Boomer, it's okay we have to be ready losing a brother.."he said continuing. 'Losing a brother..no..'
Buttercup thought the worst things that possible happen to him. "Why didn't you stop him you bozos!!?!?"she said in total panicked as she fly towards Butch's direction.

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