-Our Love Story-

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"Well it's okay, right? Just wanna get to know you any bet-"

"Stop following me, you sickening bastard!"

"I just wanna make sure that your not some kind of alien or horrible creature, that's it!"

Kaoru looks at him disbelief,

"How about this.. your very pretty,
Or I should say beautiful.."

"And when you get mad, you get even more beautiful.."

"And when your super angry and furious your even more beautiful than any girl who wears plastic surgery.."

"So don't get mad, If I start liking you, you'll have to pay the price..
See don't get mad, so your beauty doesn't shine any brighter.."

Stupid Takeshi. Stupid.

Kaoru walked through the halls of school. Clearly, bored nothing to do. She went to the bleachers and write for a bit, she smiled at the photo in her diary.
Mitch + Kaoru in a big heart.

Mitch and her had been dating and she is really excited that she fpund put he has a study tour in tokyo, she want to surprise him a visit.

She closed her book and went to the best bakery in town. Shou and her mom and dad went on a world tour ship, while Dai already been busy with his 5 months pregnant wife. So she was alone at home and doesn't have nothing to do.

She bought a few pastries and went to the school his on a study tour with. "What up, Mitch?"
She heard the boy's name and went to look back seeing him and his study tour friends maybe.
"Yea wait up, c'mon babe we're leaving..."


Suddenly out of nowhere a blonde  girl showed up next to him and hugged his arm. Kaoru's heart felt a breaking sound, she went up and slapped him hard.

"Hey!, the actual fuck?!" The girl cursed looking at Kaoru who was glaring at Mitch. "Kaoru?" Mitch asked holding his painful cheek.
"BASTARD!! Go to hell! Fucking son of a bitch!!"Kaoru yelled at him.

"You know her?"the girl asked looking at Mitch, he smirked. "No..she's just a nobody babe, a girl with..serious issues.."Mitch asked. "One of Mitch's friends poke her hip, "hey!" "Damn hot and sexy.." "might as well as we go somewhere" the other Mitch's bastard friends said eye raping Kaoru and licked his lips.

"OVER MY DEAD BODY,YOU PERVERTS!"Kaoru shouted. Mitch pushed her until she fall to the ground. "Guys give her a good 5 minutes each...me and my babe are going, we'll save you a spot"
He said, Kaoru looked at him disbelief.

Mitch leaves with that blonde girl riding his 80 mercedes.."You got it boss!" His friends said started groping kaoru's body. Kaoru tried to get out of their grasp but what power does she have 2 againts 1.

"HEY LET HER GO!!" That voice, Kaoru said looking up seeing Butch pushing one of Mitch's friends back. "Why? She's yoyr girlfrie-" "I SAID LET HER GO YOU FUCKER!!" Takeshi said and punch him in the face.

The other let kaoru go and went to punch Takeshi, but Takeshi punch him before he did. "Kaoru go!" Takeshi yelled as he got punch in the face. Kaoru run off and hide behind a building still watching Takeshi beat up those guys who tried to rape her.

"Bro, let's go he's better than us!!" The friend said to the other. They sped off using their motorcycles that was parked this whole time.
"HEY, COWARDS!!" Takeshi said as he took his backpack that was laying on the ground.

Kaoru went up to him, Takeshi looked at her. She lightly punches his arm, "i could easily handle it myself, bozo!! C'mon follow me, gelt you heal up first!!"she said leaving him behind.

"Not even a thank you?.." he said annoyed and followed her. Kaoru locked open her door and went inside. Takeshi was amazed by her house, it was quite fancy.
"If your asking how could a low life like me having this kind of house and no, I didn't bribe with my dad's money I made it off with an illegal official business company website.." she said pulling his hand and let him to the couch.

He sat down with her, "I didn't ask, and why do you think I thought of you as a lowlife?" He asked, Kaoru took a few cottons and some alcohol. "Well it looks like it.." Kaoru said as she poured a bit of alcohol to the cotton and tap a bit at Takeshi's swollen lip.

The fight got Takeshi his lip was swollen and a scar on his forehead. Takeshi flinched, Kaoru hold his hand and quickly wipe off the blood stain.

Takeshi was surprised but process what was happening. once Kaoru notice she was holding him, She of course let go immediatly and blushes spread around her face.

She got off and made some drinks for her and him. Takeshi just smile 'she's so cute..'

"Wow really?, dad you were amazing!, one day I'm going to protect a girl just like you did to protect mom!!" The seven year old boy said, the girl laughed.

"Like you have the guts to do it!"
the eleven year old girl said.
Takeshi chuckled at his two kids behaviour. "Guys Dinner!" Kaoru's voice was heard from the first floor. The two kids sped off to have dinner, Takeshi smiled and went to the kitchen to find his perfect angel putting the meals on the dining table.

"May I help you,m' lady" Takeshi said and smirked as he bought a plate of scrambled eggs. Kaoru giggled at his action, and sat down with the kids and him. Without their kids noticing they hold hands with each other as Takeshi kissed it slightly.

She smiled, she'd never thought that her life would never be like this. Takeshi did all in his guts and willing to die for her or his children. He really was the one.

Remind me to say thanks to Mitch, because if it wasn't because of him... I would never found the way to love you. -Kaoru Y.

1022 words

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