-Til' Death Do Us Part •part 1•-

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Kaoru x Butch AU, Kaoru is a superstar and never met Momoko and Miyako, they're not friends in this story

{Part 1}

'Hello folks, back with me your favorite broadcaster Steve Walkins. Here to bring out the latest news, tonight 7 p.m. is the premiere of the movue 'Breakdown' on Theaters with guest star, Kaoru Matsubara will arrived for this great event in Tokyo City main theaters. Get your tickets now, before sold out!!

In the mean time, here are some latest albums from your number #1 singer...Kaoru Matsubara as well, with her song, Orange...'

Steave Walkins voice is been heard on Kaoru's Car radio...
You might be wondering what is an ultimate famous superstar driving in a car all by herself? She has drivers right? Well she's driving to somewhre secretive..

Butch was on his computer most of the time, his brother + co-worker, Brick went up tp him.
"Yo bro, you've been on that computer all day..wanna grab lunch with me and Boomer?" He asked patting his brother by the back.

Butch without taking a look at his brother shook his head, "no you guys go ahead..I already told Boomer to get me somethin'.." he said. Brick just shook his head and leave him be.

Butch is a jurnalist on the Ambassador Magazine company, the biggest Magazine company.
And he spent his whole life 24/7 on it, until...

Kaoru pulled up her car on parking spot underneath the building she went up to the security guard, Mr. Stefan

Stefan was surprised at the arriving guest, "Ms. Kaoru?..i-it's a pleasure to see you, um will youu excuse me if I would just check you first, alright?" He said.

Kaoru nodded slightly, Stefan puff her pockets and check her shoulders if there's something hidden. Brick and Boomer were staring at the scene the whole time after they already got their lunch, at last Stefan let Kaoru go
"Ms. Kaoru if I might ask, what is your purpose of doing here?" He asked curiously.

Kaoru studdered, "I- I came to visit Butch..Butch Jojo, he works as one of the Jurnalist on the Ambassador Magazine Company.."she said. Stefan nodded and let her go through with note the office for Jurnalist is on the 3th floor.

Brick and Boomer gasped at the heard of they're brother, they stare at the famous actress goes to the lift. They went inside the lift as well, not to stalk her but a coincidence is their destination the same place.

Brick and Boomer hesitated in the silence of the lift, Boomer hold his phone. "Umm, Matsubara-san.. would you mind of we take a selfie with you?" Boomer asked politely, Kaoru looked at them longing until she finally nodded.

They took a selfie together (with Brick also) using Boomer's phone,
Boomer thanked and smiled at her. She just nodded silent.

Brick,out of the blue asked "M-Matsubara-san, what's your purpose of seeing Butch Jojo?" Brick said, Kaoru's eyes go wide but stayed silent.

The door lift open and Kaoru quickly went out. Brick and Boomer look at each other and decided to follow her, well they are going to the same office.

Momoko Akatsutsumi, a.k.a. Brick's girlfriend, a.k.a. the main counter server of the 3rd floor. Shocked seeing a celebrity such as Kaoru Matsubara walking towards her.

"Matsubara-san, may I help you?" She asked, Kaoru stared at her longily. "I'd like to meet Butch Jojo..I can just go in his office, right?" she said, Momoko smiled and nodded "umm..do you already made an appointment?" Momoko asked, Kaoru hesitated and shook her head.

"Okay, let me help you and let him know you're he-" Momoko was cut off by Kaoru "no, no...um I want to surprise him" Kaoru said and faked a smile. Boomer and Brick were hiding behind the door hearing they're conversation.

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