-The Living Ghost part 1-

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"Breaking News, after last week a Tokyo City High School student had died falling from the school roof during the day time. Another Tokyo City High School student had died in school late night, without leaving a logic explanation...it appears the first student is done suicide on purpose,
Unfortunetly, there are no other information of the second student died...I'm Anne Hathaway and thank you for watching the news.."

Butch turned off the TV, having his mind in mixed feelings.
Those two students were Fumika and Hanayo,Himeko's best friends. Why is he was all confused of this?, because it's all of him and his friends fault.

"Look, I know what happened!!,
But me, my friends or my brothers have nothing to do with it!!" Brick said loud enough fir Butck to hear. The cops had came and confront them about the two died students, The police investigate that those two died and Himeko in a brutal situation with them.

The police weren't wrong though,
Ever since Butch and his brothers move to their new high school, they started hang out with Momoko and Miyako...which Brick and Boomer had a crush on them. Anyway, since they moved Himeko always try to seduce him but he kept rejecting her.

One day, after the whole drama between Himeko amd Butch. Himeko gave revenge which is hurting Miyako and Momoko, they came to the boys's house with scars and blood all over their bodies, Brick and Boomer were furious.They didn't blame Butch, they were furious of Himeko done that.

Ever since her revenge on Butch, it all started the news of Fumika died falling from the school roof,
And Hanako died at night time, not sure how or why.
But he feels like that this has got to do somethimg with him.

Butch went out to the park, to clear his mind all of these things making him dizzy. He wasn't surprise of bumping into the girl he just know a few weeks ago,which he started to have feelings for,

Kaoru Matsubara.

She smiled once she saw him walking towards her. "Hi Butch what's wrong?" She frowned slightly looking at Butch's pale face. "Uuuh..nothing I just got shivered by the news of some students died.."he said.

Making Kaoru sweatdropped, she sighed and smiled. "It's okay, Butch it's not your fault.."she said.
Butch looked at her eyes, then he stared at her hand. He reached to grab it, and Kaoru pulled it away.

Butch is always confused, when he intends to touch her hand but she always pulled it away. Is like she doesn't want him to touch her.
But he shrugged her off, and think positive. "Uhh, sorry.." she said.

Butch smiled again, "sorry that I always vent on you, Kaoru..your like the only person who understood me better than my brothers do.."he said.

"It's no problem, and I get why..
your brother is such a simp to Miyako.."she said and snickered a bit. Butch was shocked, 'how did you know about Miyako??...'

"Um..-" "anyways it's getting dark,
I better go bye!" She said walking away from him. Just before he finished his sentenceshe already left. He watched her from behind.
'Nevermind.. she's so beautiful..'
He thought again.

Brick came and smirked to his two brothers, "what?" Butch asked annoyed. Brick laughed, "so we have that assignment deadline on tuesday, So I thought we can work together..c'mon bros!!"Brick said having his hand over to Butch's shoulder.

"I agree, plus we can invite the girls..sure they want to work together as well.."Boomer said joining the conversation.
Butch smirked, "either that or you just want to hang out with Miyako.."He said.

Boomer blushed and glared at him, "no, of course not...I'm just being nice, and besides don't you have interest in any girl in this school..it's quite off you don't play with a girl's heart by now.."
Boomer said.

Brick laughed hard, while Butch punches his shoulder. But Butch couldn't help but chuckled as well,
Suddenly something caught Butch's eye.

Kaoru walked with her books in her hands, and glance at him. Butch couldn't help but stare in amazement, her white oversize shirt that's slight hidden with her green jacket and skinny jeans.
Her hair was still beautifully messy, bit that's how she liked it..Her bangs flowing infront of her gorgeous face.

She winked and smiled at him, as she walked off. Leaving the green ruff stared at her til' she's gone.
"Earth to Butch, hello!" Brick waved his hand infront of Butch's face. Butch got back to reality and click his tongue, while pushing away Brick's hand.

"Woah, you were daydreaming there..what's gotten into you?"
Boomer asked. Butch rolled his eyes and ignored his question, he starts to walk pff to his next class leaving his two brothers behind.

"So we were thinking maybe all 5 of us can go to the library tonight.." Brick said smiling at Momoko. "You know to do our assignment that Ms.Keene gave us.."Boomer said.
Butch rolled his eyes at his brothers flirting with the girls,
"Oh you mean finding an interesting article about Tokyo City?" Miyako asked and Boomer nodded.

"Yea sure I'm down, the library is a great place to find some interesting articles.." Momoko said, Brick chuckled at her cuteness as He ruffled the top of her head.

"So guys, I found an article that we can use and we go to the library to just get extra informations about this.." Butch said handing out a newspaper to them.

Momoko and Miyako froze, after reading the title, "Student buried herself alive after abusing her classmates..." Brick red the title.
"Man this is creepy..look it was published Oktober 13... it was 5 months ago.." Boomer said taking a look on the newspaper as well.

"I heard that the student got enrolled in this school...girls, do you know any of this?"Butch asked looking at Momoko and Miyako.
Miyako gulped, Momoko laughed nerveously "uh no...I-I we don't know anything about this.."
Momoko studdered.

The boys looked at the girls wierdly, Momoko and Miyako grabbed their school bags. "Uh we gotta go bye guys!!"Momoko said dragging Miyako with her.

The boys looked at each other,
"Well that was wierd.."Boomer said, the boys nodded in agreement.

Miyako cried her tears out, she misses Kaoru so much.
Momko as well, sobbing wish she hadn't sacrifice herself for her..
"What do you think about this Miyako?"Momoko asked,
Miyako looked at her strangely.
"Should we tell the boys?"Momoko asked again.

Miyako shooked her head, "no, don't you remember what Himeko said, if we tell anyone that she was the one who killed Kaoru she'll evenge us on hurting our family.."Miyako said.

"I know, but...we can't keep up like this, Kaoru is innocent and Himeko gave her a bad reputation to cover her tracks..she doesn't deserve to die like this, she stand up for us when Himeko bullied us, but is our turn to help her.."
Momoko said, Miyako still loking down not facing her.

"Besides, we can trust the boys...
plus a spirit won't be calm in the afterlife if one of her problems has been solved.."Momoko continued. "What do you mean?"
Miyako asked.

"I...think Kaoru's spirit hasn't left yet.."Momoko said, Miyako goes eye wide. "It's still wandering else where...that means her spirit isn't calm, I don't know precise..but I think this has something to do with Fumika and Hanayo's death.."Momoko said finishing her speech.

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