-The Living Ghost part 2-

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The Rowdyruff Boys had arrived at the Library, Brick pulled up the car as his brothers went inside ahead. "So did the girls agree to join?" Butch asked looking at Boomer, he lift his shoulder signing him unknown.

Butch sighed, he pooked up and surprise to see a ravenette girl reading a book, he went up to her.
"Hey, Kaoru!" He said, Kaoru looked up and smiled as she once saw him.
"Hi..what are you doing here?" she asked straight up to ths point.
"Well, Me and My brothers want to do our assignment on finding an interesting article of Tokyo City.."he said, Kaoru nodded in understanding.

Butch struck realization in his head, "hey I want to know if you know about this.."he said, Kaoru raised her eyebrow. And surprised he gave her the newspaper. "I thought that maybe I could finish my article about this..do you know anything about this, I mean you live in Tokyo longer than I do.."he explained.

Kaoru looked at the newspaper, and then shook her head "I..don't know anything about this, I just know it now from you.."Kaoru said. Butch sighed in dissapointment, Kaoru looked down then smile at him. "Hey, we'll find the answers.." she said encouraging him.

Butch smiled back at her, they got lost in each other's eyes for a while but suddenly break by Brick's voice. "Butch, c'mon the girls got here and they want to show us somethin' !!"Brick said, Butch nodded and chaised after him.

Kaoru stared at him as he leaves,
'Now to finish my task..'she thought and evilly smirked..she used her powers and teleprt her to the school.

Miyako and Momoko walked pass their school, suddenly they spotted Himeko's Ferrari go in the school gates. They were confused,
But they shrugged her off.. probably she's going to pull some pranks for them to get humiliated at school.

They arrived at the Library and surprised that Brick and Butch were already front of the dor waiting for them. They smiled,
"Oh, hey guys.. we want to show you somethin' get Butch as well.."
Momoko said.

Btick looked at her confused, but shrugged he called Butch and Momko was confused how to tell it to them. "Umm guys... first off we wanna say sorry, we told a lie to you guys before.."she started.

"But we want to tell you the truth..
all of it" Miyako continued her and looked down. The boys looked at each other with confused looks.
Momoko got a book out of her bag and gave it to them.

Butch took the book titled 'Himeko's diary' Momoko helped open page 72..it fills with her handwriting. Butch red it all loud,
"Dear Diary..I never knew that I would kill someon in my life, I don't feel bad about it itwas so worth it..
Her and her friends are so annoying, I don't get why she would actually give her life to save them..you see she insulted me infront of the whole school!!, how dare she?!?..might as well take revenge yesterday me Hanayo amd Fumika hurt her friends, she tried to fight back..but it ends to her dying...hopefully her stupid friends won't tell any of this, because I threatened them if they tell a soul. Yeah so I buried her, and give everyone the thought of she abused me and she buried herself alive..oh I'm a super genius!!"

The Rowdyruffs go wide eyed in horror. "The girl's friends are us, Himeko threatened us that she hurt our family if we tell someone about this unfortunetly Butch, you get the news that was like the first edition..the one that doesn't have the students name.."Momoko said, she sat up and went to the newsoaper section.

She grabbed the ones that we're 5 months ago. At last, she found what she was looking for.
"Damn, those Rowdyruffs they're gonna get what they deserve..how dare they insult me, especially Butch, just like Kaoru!!"she said in disugust as she wax the entire class floor so they would slipped and crack their heads open.

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