-I don't Want her, all I Want is you-

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Miyako, Momoko, and Kaoru were just chatting in their homeroom class. Before class started Miyako kept going on and on about yesterday she got a ride home from Butch, her crush. Which it makes Kaoru jealous.

But she never showed it, she has been crushing on Butch for almost six months now..and she thinks she doesn't have a chance, plus Miyako is 100x better than her and she likes him...it's not gonna be long till he cracks and say he likes her too.

You see Butch is like a walking freezer ambitious for being perfect, almost straight A's ing all of the school's subjects...but very cold. Everyone who tried to flirt him, it never works. He was still hard as a rock.

Miyako had been struggling to get him accept her love. But always get rejected, it's almost like 15x times she got rejected by that muted human.

But she never gave up, everyday she would ask him if he loves her back, a few days back she thought that maybe forget about Butch is the right thing to do...but after the incident of got a ride with Butch (which Butch was forced to take her home, Mr. Rafi's orders) she got her hopes up high again.

"So I told him to come to my class so I could give him breakfast!!"she said excitedly. Kaoru just faked smile, and Momoko smiled and comfort Kaoru.

Suddenly the Jojo brothers have arrived, Boomer was the first one to come in as he saw Miyako's smile, his heart melt. He immediatly hide his blush cause of her beauty and sat in the back.

Btw, Miyako, Momoko, Kaoru and Boomer have the same homeroom teacher. While Butch and Brick were in the next door of their class. Brick walked in and greeted Momoko she smiled and went closer to him.

Miyako smiled and went up to Butch, Kaoru looked at her with hurtful eyes. But she forced a smile.

"Hey Butch, here I made you breakfast.."Miyako said handing over her bento box to him. He sighed and looked at her, "for the last time, stop getting in to my personal life!, we don't have a thing going on...so stop acting as if we're together!!" He said in furious.

"But I like you, Butch!"she said,
Butch glared at her "and I don't...
Haven't you notice all the things that you've been doing are cheap..."he said.

A few of the students gasp at his comeback, incljding Kaoru.
"I rejected you many times, but you still kept chasing me..your easily get played by guys, that's cheap!" He said.

Miyako just smiled and held in her struck of sadness. "Butch, I'm chasing after you because I fell in love with you, that's struggling not cheap.." she said.

Kaoru looked at her dumbfound.
"Do you even have self pride in you?" He asked, Miyako strucked hurt and looked down.

"As a Woman, your not supposed to be like this..You are shameless, no boy will respect you!" He said and stormed off out of class.
"HEY STONE HEART!!" Kaoru shouted angrily, she got off her chair and went straight infront of Butch.

Some of the guys and girls were frightening by her comeback,
"As a boy yourself doesn't even have a heart!! talk trash about Miyako infront of the classroom!
What has she done to you to make you be mad at her, huh? She's sincere!!, she loves you for real!!
If you don't like her than just avoid her, don't try to get her hopes up!!" She said glaring at the green-eyed boy.

"I never did anything to make her hopes up!!" He said angrily almost shouting back at her. "You gave her a ride home, and you said you insisted on doing it!"Kaoru shouted back.

"That's just beca-" "because what, huh!?!"Kaoru cut his words. Making him more furious than ever. "Whatever!!" He said and stormed off out of the class.

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