-Don't Leave Me..-

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It was just a while back, when we would still hold each other's hand and never seperate.
Kaoru and Takeshi were laughing, Takeshi smirked, "ow I think I got something in my eye.."he said.
"What's wrong..let me see.."Kaoru said as she blew on his eyes softly.
"I just can't get them off of you.."Takeshi said, making Kaoru scoffed. She thought he was really injured.

Takeshi kissed her cheek, "c'mon babe, you know you love me.." he said making Kaoru smile again.

That was in the past, how about now.

Takeshi was just laying his head on a pillow kept thinking of what yesterday just happen. He found out Kaoru is moving away to California, and what he hated the most...

He was the last one to find out.

She kept reasoning with him, and said it was so hard to tell him because she also doesn't want this happen..but what power does she have to stop it..

He break up with her a few days ago, she kept begging to not break it with her. She still loves him so much. But he doesn't want to feel lost again, he already lost his parents...he can't bear to lost Kaoru as well...
Exactly today she is going, she might be at the airport. Apart of him wanted to rush their and say his final goodbye. But the other part of him wanted to just sit here and not care about the world anymore. He sighed heavily,

"You really givin' up on her bro,
She still loves you...and your gonna break things of with her just like that, just because you hated the feeling of lost..she's not gone, Takeshi! She's just moving to another place...plus if she loves you, she will come back for you..." Ikuto, his brother's word kept saying on his head.

He knows that it was a douché move to break up with her just so he couldn't feel lost. But he thought again...

Breaking up with her, is making him feel more lost than before.
"Fuck it." He said as he grabbed his car keys, and sped off towards the love of his life.

Miyako,Momoko,Ikuto,Jiao were watching as their heartbroken green friend walked away. This might be the last time they see each other in over a period time.

Miyako had a few tears in her eyes, Kaoru was like her big sister, she would kick any guy's ass off if they try to do anything to her.
Momoko wanted to cry that time, but just can't she has to be brave for Kaoru.

Kaoru was still crying over her breakup with Takeshi. She can't blame him, she knew this might happen..well the lasting she expected it. Takeshi said he doesn't want the feeling of lost, and Kaoru leaving is.

Takeshi made it to the airport and immediatly got off, not even caring the security guard mad at him for parking his car in the lobby. He spotted his brothers and Kaoru's best friends. "Takeshi?" Jiao asked, everyone in shocked see him here.

"Where is she?!?"Takeshi asked to them, they looked to the other side signing him there. Hopefully it's not too late, Takeshi gave the car keys to Ikuto as they walk to their car and waited for Takeshi to return.

Takeshi kept speeding finding the girl who stole his heart, but still no sign of her. Suddenly he saw her, walking away with her family.

"KAORU!!" He exclaimed, not even caring people glared at him for almost shouting. Kaoru turn her back, and surprise to see Takeshi came over. Now, here he was infront of him..oh how she want to just bail on her family to just stay with Takeshi and her friends.

"We'll wait for you.."Masked Tokio said putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder, not gonna lie he was actually blessed Kaoru's with Takeshi, he saw the gentleman and a hero Takeshi is. Kaoru's mother smiled, while her two brothers glared at him saying to not hurt her even more.

The family left the two ravenettes behind. Kaoru and Takeshi were just standing infront of each other. "Takeshi.."she said as she felt her eyes watered, he cupped her cheek and tucked one of her bangs under her ear.

"Your probably wondering, at last Takeahi came...he probably wants to get back together, but your wrong...I'm not here for that, we never break up Kaoru.."he said staring at her beautiful emerald eyes.

She was confused, "wait you said it yourself, you want to break things up a-and.." Kaoru said batween sniffles. Takeshi shushed him, "Kaoru..a decision that has to be made by two people, can't just be decided by one person.." he said.

Kaoru looked at him with sadness,
"So now what..your still afraid of losing me?" She said. Takeshi looked down and held her hand.
"Always, every hour, every minute, every second..I'll always afraid of losing you... but again breaking up with you, I never felt more lost in my whole life.."
He said, Kaoru wipe her tears away.

"Takeshi...I promised you...I will always be yours.." Kaoru said,
Takeshi smiled. "Kaoru stop promising things that we don't know it could be true..just promise me one thing?.."he asked Kaoru looked into his eyes again.

"I will always love you, I'll wait for you to return..and if you do found a new happiness there, I'll always support you..because your happy I'm always happy.."He said smiling at her, he used his thumb to wipe her tears away.

"You, Kaoru Matsubara and I known as Buttercup..you are special to me, no other person than you is more special to me before.."he said, Kaoru gave in and hugged him tightly.

He hugged back, never wanting to let go. but unfortunetly they have to, Kaoru stares at him and start leaning in. Takeshi did the same as their noses got in contact.

They shared a kiss, a last kiss, a kiss goodbye.

They let go due to they need of air.
She smiled at him still holding her in place. He finally let go and looked at her walking away towards the entrance.

"Kaoru..."he said making her look back again. "I love you.."he said,
Kaoru smiled. "I know and I love you.."she said, who  knew that she would fall in love with her own enemy..

"Who cares!"he shouted, making Kaoru scoffed in annoyance.
Takeshi laughed, Kaoru smiled again and waved her hand goodbye as Takeshi did that too.
Kaoru start to walk away again,
Without Takeshi notice a single tear fall from his eyes as he quivkly wipe it away.

1128 words

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