-Love Comes Misunderstandings-

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"Butch stop, what are you doing?"

"I'm blocking the sun with my jacket so you won't be hot..oops my mistake your already hot.."

"Shhh, stop it everyone's staring at us.."

"So what?, go back to your book and study.."

"But you'll get tired holding that long for me..."

"...I'm never tired for you, Buttercup."

He treated her like a Queen, what happened?.

<present day>
Buttercup was sitting on one of the school benches as she cried, tears flowing out of her eyes but still silent sobbing.

Suddenly the boy with green forest eyes and silk raven hair came up to her. "Hey, how about after school we could go to the skate park? I heard a new Ice cream parlor just open up..", he said smiling to her.

Buttercup glared at him, "how long are you gonna keep up this act? Acting like there's nothing between us.." Buttercup said.
Butch looked down slightly, he holds both of her hands and squeeze it a bit.

"Buttercup..hear me out, I love you so much...I'm ready to take responsibility, I'm ready to marry you.."Butch said.
Buttercup shook her head, "no Butch, the thing we use to do and have..never gonna happen again.." Buttercup said grabbing her books and pace off to leave Butch there.

"Look I don't know what's wrong with you, I just wanna fill my responsibility but you kept denying it..damnit Buttercup, we'll be together.." Buttercup stopped at what he said.

"Because I'm not good enough for you.. you know that I literally cheated on you and your still chasing me?!?" Buttercup said and leave him there.

At Buttercup's home..
Buttercup was staring at a picture of her and Butch holding her, the hold that makes her safe.

She has to admit that she misses him much as he misses her.
If all of this hadn't happen, they're relationship would never broke.

Buttercup went for her secret box and gasped the letter wasn't in there. She serched to her desk amd closet but it wasn't found.

"Looking for this.." Kaoru gasped in fear of the voice, she turned around and saw her father holding an abortion letter.

"O- Oto-chan, I-I can explain.."
Kaoru studdered. "You have done explaining, young lady..WHO IS THIS GUY??!?!"Masked Tokio said in anger.

Kaoru was in total fear and not say a word. "Who is it, is it...Butch?" He asked. Kaoru gasped, Butch is getting into trouble.

Kaoru's father rushed out once he figured out whom has raped his precious daughter. "No dad, you gotta hear me out..Dad wait!!" Kaoru's dad locked her up in her room. Kaoru banged on the door begging him to open it.
"DAD, DAD, PLEASE LISTEN TO ME, DON'T HURT BUTCH IT'S NOT HIS FAULT!!!" Kaoru said But Mr. Tokio didn't answer.

Kaoru give up, she slide down her back on the door and sat on the floor as she cried. 'Butch is gonna be killed... and it's all my fault!' She thought.

Butch went down from his motorbike and stared at the 2nd floor window. He had visit Kaoru's house, he said this is his medicine after a fight. Butch's lips were bruised but literally it can heal in an instant by just seeing Kaoru's face.

He heard screaming coming out of her room. Butch panicked, he ran out into the house and quickly into Kaoru's room. "Kaoru?..KAORU OPEN THE DOOR!!" Butch said banging on her room door.

Kaoru gasped in relief, "Butch?...BUTCH YOU CAN'T STAY HERE!! YOU NEED TO GO!" Kaoru said screaming back at him.
"NO, I'M NOT LEAVING YOU HERE!!" Butch said. He banged the door with his body but still result of nothing.

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