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Let's just ignore that i said something like 'i will update  next chapter Saturday'

He made her turn towards him in a swift and soon as she did, he latched his mouth to her breast and sucked on them to lubricate her vagina with her own wetness, his mouth still latched to her breast, he picked her body up in arms and made their way towards the bed .

Little did Anika expected him to throw her body on bed like sag of potato, but what she didn't expect was him placing her softly on bed, His hand made their way to the string of her skirt and with a pull of string, they were untied, he didn't waste time in pulling them out from her long slender legs, his mouth made their ways between the valley of her legs before he felt satiated with the amount of lubrication between her legs, he raised his head to look at her face, only to find her eyes clenched and shut tightly, her teeth biting her own lower lips harshly for stopping moans to leave her mouth, and her hand fisted the bedsheet tightly to stop herself from touching him.

Without giving himself time to dwell in the moment, King Shivay got rid of his own clothes and stood stark naked at front of bed, his eyes took her appearance once more before he climbed on her, his hand found their way back to her breast and as much as a little part of him wanted to kiss her mouth, and take her lips in his mouth, he didn't, it seems to intimating to him, and he is no where ready to share that kind of intimation with anyone, his palms kneaded her breast and his groin rubbed against her crotch,  his eyes were fixed on her face, before he took himself in his palm and set right at front of her entrance, and entered inside her in a swift, her face grimaced, she took deep breathe to adjust the searing pain between her legs, King Shivay stopped giving her time to adjust with pain as soon as he was deep inside her vagina, the thought of the things which will happen after the birth of a kid bothered him, more than that the thought of him being the problem bothered him? Is there really something as curse? or Is it him who failed ? like this many more question swirled in his mind, a part of him was deep inside her, but their wasn't any share of pleasure between their body, whatever there was when he started faded away as soon as those thoughts crossed his mind, for a second he felt himself going soft inside her, but heat of the walls of her vagina didn't let it happen, he closed his eyes, getting rid of every negative thought before he gave her first thrust, a shiver went through both of theirs spine and his eyes once again fixated on her face, Marrying her isn't in option anymore, she isn't a princess, she is a culprit a criminal whom he saved from her punishment for his own selfish needs, he gave her another thrust before his hatred for her came crashing down to his chest and he started ramming inside her like a dog in heat,

A moan left her mouth, She felt pain and pleasure shooting her lower body simultaneously, as much as she felt ashamed to accept, his palms felt amazing on her breast, he rubbed her nipples harshly between his thumb and index, not to forget he gave them attention of his mouth to, sucking like a hungry kid who is been starved from hours, the sudden pressure built in pit of her stomach, her eyes widened in fear, as she felt it releasing through the hole, he is inserted, not knowing what is happening with her body, her mind went in panic state, she felt ashamed to piss or whatever just get out from her body, her eyes clenched close before her mind took over himself to protect her from further panic and built a shield around himself, she drifted in semiconscious state, her power to think about anything went down, making her lay on bed like a lifeless.

He felt her release against him and his own prick swollen, his balls felt heavy before he thrusted one last time and released deep inside her, coating her womb with his cum. He came down from the state of euphoric, his eyes found her face and for a minute his breathe stucked in his lungs, he patted her cheeks once and twice before pulling himself out from her and searching for water inside the chamber, he found a glass filled with water and a plate filled with food at the side of table, he picked the water and splashed a Little on her face, bringing her own from whatever state she was in.

"Sit" he commanded and she obliged in frenzy state of mind , She stare up at his face like waiting for another instruction and for a minute King Shivay saw the real lady behind the facade but before he can witness a second more, the glass of water was snatched away from his hand, Princess Anika gulped the whole glass of water down in a breath and look up at him with her big brown innocent eyes.

"I don't think, i can go for more than this one round today" She said and searched for something to wear, King Shivay threw a silk robe towards her before picking up his own cloth and getting dressed in it .

"If you will eat food instead of ignoring it then i believe you can" He spoke sternly as his eyes went back to the plate of food, "For conceiving a child, you need to be physically strong, well i am leaving then" he said before looking himself in mirror for final time and heading out from her chamber, Anika wore her robe and made her way to balcony, she stare him through window untill he didn't disappear in darkness of night.


"Your Majesty" Queen Aasha stood up from her place, as soon as king Shivay entered in her chamber, he disregarded his ornaments and shrug before hoping up on bed and closing his eyes, making his wife worry about him.

Aasha took slow steps towards bed and sat beside his head, her fingers made her way in his hairs and she massaged his head softly, not a single word exchanged between them, they both heard the silence, she felt his huge turmoil about something which she assumed is the incidents of courtroom , her heart aches when and she felt like she failed him too, no matter how much tries they gave but they failed to conceive, no only she but other three queens too, she too heard the rumour about curse but was too affraid to ask it out, he felt her need to question him about the thing which is bothering him and as much as he wanted to share, to tell her, he knows he can't, the thought of feeling any sympathy towards a criminal made him hate his own self, he wants nothing but to get over with all this soon.

"I know" before Queen Aasha can speak, King Shivay cutted her words in mid, "When the time will come, the first person with whom i will share will be you" he spoke softly before closing his eyes and submitting himself to a peaceful night.


Next part is already done🤭, but will update next part on Thursday, can't spoil you all by giving regular updates

Don't you all think this book is lacking something? Ummm, like a villain or something? In my opinion i think this book is lacking villain, All Queen seems fine and things are going good, No one is plotting anything or no one's life is messed up except Anika. Well, i think i should correct it 🤭

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