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So, i close my eyes
to old ends..

And open my heart
for New Beginnings❤️

The sun shined brightly, engulfing all darkness and unfolding his light everywhere, the birds chirped happily as they went in search for food after they bid bye to their own family, the farmers left their house to go to the field and work on their crops, The women's involved themselves in taking care of their children and cooking meal for their family.

And Princess Anika once again woke up lonely in morning, the person who was there with her last night was nowhere found, the sun was glaring her through the window like warning her to not dwell in thoughts of someone who brought nothing but misery in her life. She lazily left her bed and head towards the window, gazing down she realised for the first time that how lonely she is in this big kingdom with no one but a maid cum friend by her side who took pity on her and decided to tag along, If she may exclude the little bundle of joy and another fire ball fierce friend of her then she is left with no one but herself, As if for reminding his or her presence the peanut in her womb made her feel nauseous and dizzy, but like another time there wasn't a look of panic on her face, her lips were streched in little smile as she jog towards the bath chamber and emptied the content of her stomach.

She completed her morning chores too and headed back in chamber to get dressed, she followed her daily routine but today things felt different, she felt tired, sad and heartbroken all of sudden, her mind ran in all direction as to search for every negative things and came back with plenty if things which contain power to dim her mood, Another minute she felt happy about something she itself is unaware about, next minute she was crying her heart out thinking about separation with her own flesh, As if her mind had enough of the crying , smiling, and sadness, the thought of the lips of the man she right now detest on her forehead made her cheek adorn with red colour, she placed her own palm on her forehead and smiled before she broke down in tears once again, the man belonged to not one but four other woman who are his wife, who took their vows with him in presence of audience not someone like her who was snatched away from the life she was once living.

Her eyes roamed in her own chamber and suddenly the loneliness was unbearable for her, she felt trapped and caged in four walls, too tired to fight with all loneliness and everything she sat their for hours before darkness took pity upon her and wrapped her arms around the frail girl.


The days were unbearable, who thought that a person can be happy as well as lost at same time, After getting what his heart wanted for years he still failed to feel that immense amount of happiness and pleasure, he felt lost like he committed the hugest crime and was rewarded with an award as precious as a little child, It's been week since their fight but he still felt the guilt, he felt the impact of assualt she recieved, he felt his own failure when he found the culprit guard death beside her shivering figure, every cell in his body was determined at this moment to set a punishment for rapist which will make other shiver before thinking about rape and King Shivay was determined to set his weakness and broken self back and stepping up with the same fierceness he had before the arrival of Princess.

"Your Majesty" A maid bowed down in respect bringing him out from his thoughts, he blinked in acknowledgement and nodded for her to continue.

"Guards found an unidentified dead body near bank of river" She informed and shiver ran down in his spine, it's fourth time when he is receiving news of someone's death, the fact that it all didn't stop and he still is far away from the murderer made him feel how bad ruler he is, he can't deprive his people from having a strong and powerful ruler, they supported and stood by his side at every single time when he needed them,now his people need him and he can't be distract by anything not untill he found the criminal and gave him the punishment he deserve.

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