Chapter #24

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A/N So here we are.... Like we were 🤭..... Lol, write that the next part of that song if you know how it continues *wink* *wink*

Welcome back readers, wattpad fam, fans(I know I don't have any but if you wanna just include yourself in that category then my fragile ego thanks you 🤧), friends and haters. Thank you so much for being patient with me, thank you for your comments, your votes, your shares(once again, I know not all yall belong in this category but once again, my self esteem 😩) and for just reading.

I've NEVER EVER had a work of mine reach 70K! But you guys just did it for me alone sigh, if only I could hug and kiss every one of you(Corona??? 👀).

I wrote an exam btw, and passed hehe 🤭. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk 🎤

Aurora's Pov

Days later and I still had no time to talk with the others. Seth was nowhere to be found, as if he had gone AWOL, leaving me to believe he'd let himself be known when he wanted to.

And it wasn't as if I could blame him, Rachel's death was basically the talk of the whole school. And what's worse was that Mrs Diana hadn't spoken a word about it. It was as if she went missing together with Seth. Come to think of it, I rarely ever saw any of the vampires anymore.

I shuddered internally, hoping they hadn't decided to leave the school entirely, not that I was in a position to stop them even if they did.

What's worse was that Kita had been unconscious all these past days. When I woke up in the infirmary, there she was, limp and lying on the pillow, weakly clutching my hair.

I had gotten used to feeling her energy whenever she was close by, but even at that close proximity her energy was as weak as her light was dim.

Dylan was long gone as well, seemingly avoiding me. I couldn't put any blame on him either, I've led him around mystery to mystery, only confusing him and putting him in harm's way. I'd avoid me too if I could.

Alexis' bubbly mood wasn't so bubbly anymore after seeing Kita's condition. Her shallow breath didn't do well in convincing us that she would be fine. And there wasn't anyone we could talk to about it because I still wasn't convinced if I should tell anyone.

All this fusion of thoughts rewarded me with a kick to the kidneys, I stumbled sideways and fell flat on my backside.

"You seem unfocused lately." Came the voice of my victor. "And we both know you're responsible for it all on your own this time."

"Whatever, Scarlet." I sighed, easily brushing off the pain and getting up. "I'm sure you've already made yourself at home in my head anyways."

"Not true." She contradicted rather silently. "You're not exactly making this enjoyable for me either, you know."

"Oh really?" I feigned shock. "How so?" Followed by a lazy eye-roll.

"I'd much prefer to defeat you when you're actually fighting back. Not doing this sorry attempt at defense."

I was about to walk away towards the benches planted by the side walls when Miss Vidia's voice resonated through the room.

"We're trying something a little different today." She announced.

"Different how?" Terence came asking from another corner of the room.

"Pair off into two groups." She instructed.

Before I could even look around for a group to join, Scarlet stepped closer towards me.

"I'd say we have a better fighting chance together than apart."

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