Chapter #11

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Aurora's Pov

"Vampires?" Alexis was now pacing up and down the room while I watched her freak out from my bed. She would occasionally fade into invisibility and reappear.

"Your powers are twitching, Alex."

"Who cares about that?! There are vampires currently walking about in our school!" Her twitching picked up more and more each second until she was completely invisible, I sighed.

"How many were there?"

"I don't know, my vision was blurry. But only one of them looked towards me."

I took another bite from the apple I had taken from the mini fridge, I would have ordered for some food but there were no services given at night.

"Are you positive about what you saw? Maybe the dragon venom is messing with your brain." I couldn't face her to reply so I just looked straight.

"I told you, Dylan was also there, he saw it too." I took the last bite of the apple and threw the core away.

"Maybe he was seeing things too. Are you sure he didn't get bitten as well?"

"Why would I lie about this? You know I hate rumors."

"Oh, this is bad. What if they start to bite and feed on us? What if they turn everyone in this school and rule it as their own?" She started to flood me with questions again.

"They were escorted by plenty of guards, so I think we're safe for now." I recalled.

"If they're anything like the vampires I see in movies or books, then the guards are just useless. Face it, we're dead."

I rolled my eyes and tried to turn on the TV, but it later disappeared.

"Alex, you might as well just turn the whole building invisible." I said while making gestures at the television.

"Huh?" Her footsteps stopped wherever she was. "Oh, sorry."

Soon Alexis and the TV came back into view. Kita was perched on the windowsill that led outside, she had been quiet throughout. I wasn't sure if she was even listening.


Her head shot up towards my direction at the sound of her name, I giggled in remembrance to Mr Cue's dragon.

"Do you know anything about vampires?" I asked her.

"Yes, I know all about the creatures of the night."

"Creatures of the night?" I wrinkled my brows.

"Yes, that's what we call them instead where I come from."

"Would you classify them as 'Gifted'?" I asked.

"In a way, yes."


"Well, when vampires reach a mature age, they acquire some abilities other than the ones that come with being a vampire." She explained.

"How do you know this?"

"I'm well educated in all creatures."

"That is so Twilight!" Alexis said.

I took out the bottle that the nurse had given me earlier and stared at it for a while. Then I turned back to Kita.

"Does dragon saliva kill?"

"Sometimes it does. But certain people have been recorded to survive it without the use of any medication."

I looked at my injured hand that was now well wrapped in layers off bandages and went into a world of thoughts.

I'm not gonna choose that dragon, if it's as stubborn as Mr Cue says it is then I don't want anything to do with it.

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