Chapter #21

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A/N: Welcome back, welcome back!!! Please come in and remember to wipe your feet on the door mat, take off your shoes and sanitize yo hands okay? 🤭

I'm just kidding obviously 😂 😂.

But seriously, sanitize your hands before you read this chapter, I won't be having any of my lovely readers and fam sneezing their guts out when they should be enjoying. 🤭

*A LITTLE WARNING* This chapter does contain some form of graphic exposure, tho it's not really vulgar or traumatic, but yeah it's slightly more intense so please be prepared. Thanks. ♥

Aurora's Pov

The whiteness still hadn't settled but somehow a wave of dizziness still found its way in.

You'd think I would be at least used to this sort of thing by now, seeing as how I've passed out about countless time now.

But nope, my stomach lurched and churned away, making my insides feel all jumbled.

Soon after, me ears began to pick up sound.


They weren't loud, and they weren't fast, in fact they were slow and steady, almost therapeutic to listen to. Whoever was walking like this felt like a gentle, calm person.

The walking came to an abrupt halt, then I began to see colors. Yesterday's evening sky came into view but from a different angle. Recognizing the Classrooms Building, I turned and found Daphne beside me, she was pale, not in complexion, but somehow she was embodied in a pale aura, as if she was a ghost.

I raised my hand to point that out but I found out that my hand, and the rest of me, was just the same chalky glow.

I opened my mouth to comment on the weird phenomenon but, even weirder, words didn't come out of my mouth. Not a single sound.

I grasped my throat in fear and looked to Daphne but she just smiled and held a finger to her small lips. Apparently she couldn't talk either.

Maybe that's just what happens when she travels into the memories of the past. It would make sense that we couldn't make any sound that would alter what has already happened.

She pointed ahead of us where a petit figure covered head-to-back in Raven-Black curls had stopped.

"Rachel..." My lips only mouthed, since I couldn't exactly speak.

She stood still for about a minute, leaning slightly to the left and brushed the hair on her left side behind her ear.

She's trying to hear something?

I tried straining my ears but I couldn't hear anything, and neither could Daphne by the looks of it.

I couldn't help my curiosity and moved closer until I was standing beside her.

Up close I could take note of her small, rounded face and rosy cheeks. Her dark brows and full lashes complemented each other well, the long tresses of her hair were curled at the ends.

But the worried, strained expression on her face contradicted all her perfect features completely.

Her brown eyes suddenly widened and I had to follow her gaze to the dark pillar of a figure approaching from around a corner.

Before I could even get a good at the mystery stranger, I felt like I was immediately gripped by a shroud of cold, bone-chilling energy.

This was like nothing I'd ever felt before. My body grew stiff and I could hardly move. It felt like the tendrils of ice were creeping and cracking up my sides.

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