Chapter #8

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A/N I'm getting ready for exams guys, so this might be my last update till next month... Or so, please bare with me and wish me best of luck! 😜😜

Aurora's Pov

The Next Day

I had gotten out of my room and was on my way to class, students were flooding the hallway as usual finding their way to their various classes, sometimes I wondered how it was possible for me to reach my class that was furthest down the hall.

"Aurora!" Someone called from behind me, giving me a feeling of déjà vu that was too early. It was Stacey.

"Morning Stacey." I greeted.

"Hey! Are you okay?" She looked concerned. What could she be talking about?

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I saw what happened yesterday at Scarlet's party."

That provoked anger in me, making my mind race with the images that was now the past, that was a night I didn't want to remember. It was when I had reached my room that I realised that not only had I yelled at the most popular, suave guy in school, I had also managed to embarrass myself doing it. But I had no regrets.

"It's okay, I'm over it." I said. Alexis wasn't even that mad, nothing a little water couldn't fix.

"Sorry though, you must have felt embarrassed."

"A little, but I'm just glad I won't see that guy again."

Stacey's next response shook me, she laughed.

"You should consider yourself lucky." She smiled.

"Lucky? How?" What was she talking about? How can I feel lucky if some jerk dumped wine on me?!

She didn't get a chance to answer though as the bell rang for classes to begin. We picked up speed and marched into our Power Mastery class.

"For your next lesson, we'll be testing your ability to fight off someone who is stronger than you, either by slight advantage or by further experience. When you find yourself in this kind of situation, don't focus on defeating your opponent, try to maneuver your way into outsmarting them." Mrs Vidia started shortly after we found our seats, I picked a seat somewhere in the middle. Not too far or close.

"How are we gonna do that?" Kyle and Kendall asked from behind me.

"I'm glad you asked. I've invited some of the best seniors to be your practise partners. Your task is to try and land an attack on them, with and without powers." She walked into the door on the other side of the room that led into the practice room, her rough hair bouncing beneath her head, signaling for us to follow.

We obeyed and entered the next room, but the next face I saw was too soon. It was Dylan.

I couldn't help but give out a long, loud sigh which drew everyone's attention. I blushed slightly, my day was going just great. The only thing that could make this greater is if I was paired with him.

The seniors were lined side by side with eight boys to match our number. Scarlet and Stacey immediately gave swooning sighs at the sight of him, I just rolled my eyes.

"Meet seniors Wayne, Felix, Sam, Lance, Mac, Cameron, Eris and Dylan." Mrs Vidia introduced while they gave a little nod of acknowledgement, except Dylan who sent a smirk my way. I ignored it while Mrs Vidia continued. "You will practise one at a time so others can observe, first up are... Cameron and Brandon."

They walked to the middle while the rest of us moved to the side of the titanium room.

I folded my arms and watched as their began combat. The first round was without their powers, before two minutes Cameron had Brandon on the ground. Some wowed, some clapped, but I just watched. I hardly had enough time to see him catch Brandon off guard, it happened that fast.

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