Chapter #17

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Aurora's Pov

The wings of Jewel began to stretch to life as I gave her instructions.

"We're gonna go very easy today, got it?" I asked her.

Mmmrrrr. Was all I got as a reply.

I managed to strap her harnesses in all the right places and took my seat on her back. I rubbed my hand on her side in soothing circles to calm her, Dylan did that sometimes.

"Alright, Aurora, deep breaths." I spoke to myself. "You can do this, nice and easy."

As gently as possible, I tapped my heels at her sides and she reacted immediately to my surprise.

Slowly and steadily, she matched her speed to mine and opened up her wide-spanned wings.

"Let's go!"

She took off into a short sprint and with a single, well executed flap of her wings we were airborne.

Effortlessly gliding through and through, higher and higher, I smiled against the rushing winds that softly blew on my hair.

"Jewel, you're doing great!" I laughed.

Mmmrrrr, she purred contentedly.

"Let's go higher!"

I pulled the reins upwards and she complied, flapping harder and tilting her body upward until we were vertical. But I was well prepared this time and strapped in.

As we went higher an idea came into my head, I pulled the reins even higher and just as I expected, she began to drift into a perfect loop.

The world swirled beautifully and I couldn't help but raise my hands like I was on a roller-coaster.

After minutes and minutes of flying I felt it was okay to land.

"Let's go down!" I instructed and patted her head a few times.

Soon enough, we came to a halt safe and sound on the ground.

"Good girl, Jewel!" I said and hugged her snout as soon as I came down.

"She's not the only one." I heard a bass voice come from behind me.

I turned on my heel and saw none other than...

"Mr Cue!" I yelled in surprise. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough." He smiled. "You picked that up rather fast." He noted.


"That was your first display after only a few lessons." He raised an impressed brow at me.

"I guess..." I started fiddling with the hem of my skirt, not knowing how to respond to that.

"You should be proud, not nervous. You often belittle yourself even when no-one does."

"I try not to set myself too high, that way I won't be too disappointed if I fall." I answered honestly.

"...That's actually smart." He said as he stroked his short beard. "But at the same time, one shouldn't set themselves too low or else your self-esteem will follow."

"My self-esteem is doing just fine." I tried reassuring him with the urgency of my voice.

"That aside, Dylan's been teaching you well."

"He's been teaching me fast." I muttered rather ungratefully.

"Well he was also a pretty fast learner, way ahead of his class."

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