Chapter #5

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A/N I was listening to some music that inspired me a little, they're:

-You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile By Sia

-Miraculous Ladybug By Laura Marano

-Ballroom Blitz By (I have no idea who sang this, but it's so catchy)

Sorry for the long wait, I'm suddenly feeling lazy.

Aurora's Pov

My head swung towards Alexis with wide eyes about to pop out of my skull.

"What are you doing?" She asked with baggy eyes. I was still crouched against the sink, I looked back at Kita, she was gone. My eyes opened even wider.

"Umm... I.. I was just, using the bathroom." I was terrible at lying. I stood up and swiped the food particles off the sink before she could notice.

"But I heard voices, who were you talking to?"

"M-my reflection. You know how weird I am." I really stink at lying.

After much staring.

"Whatever, I just need to use the bathroom."

"Oh, okay."

Just then, I saw Kita peeking behind the door, she looked at me. I tried using my eyes to tell her to go to the bedroom. Hopefully she understood and flew out silently.

I gave way for Alexis and closed the door behind me.

"Who is that?" Kita asked while admiring my room.

"That's Alexis, my roommate and best friend." I answered.

"She looks nice, will I meet her?"

"Maybe, but not yet."

"Why?" She flew down to my face.

"Because we need to make sure you are a hundred percent safe."

"But she is your best friend, don't you trust her?" She questioned.

"Of course, but-"

"Then you will have no problem introducing me." She smiled.

"I don't but you-"

"Good, then I can meet her!" Her face lit up. She flew to the bathroom door and waited for Alexis to come out.

"No Kita come back." I reached to grab her but she dodged and giggled at my fail.

"Kita come down here now!" I commanded.

"No, not until I talk to your friend."

"I said no, not yet-". I started jumping on my bed trying to reach her.

Alexis came out of the bathroom.

"Okay, I know you were talking with someone." She accused.

"N-no I... I wasn't..."

"I heard you through the door." She said. Kita flew down and stopped straight at her face.

"Hello Alexis, my name is Kita." She gave a full smile while staring intimately, waiting for Alexis response.

Alexis stared wide eyed at Kita, she turned her gaze to me and I stared back. Her silence made matters awkward because we were waiting for her response.

"Y-you.. are... f-ff-" she couldn't speak. She was shocked. She looked back at me. "Are you seeing this?"

"Calm down Alex, it's just a fairy." I explained. Her shock changed into shear excitement.

"A fairy. It's a fairy!! A FAIRY!!" She immediately ran to her school bag and brought out her phone, notepad and a pencil. Kita stared at her bewildered. She started snapping endless pictures of Kita. The behaviour of an anime freak.

"Alexis stop!" I went at her. Kita looked very confused at the flashes of light and flew quickly behind me for cover. Alexis followed.

"You're scaring her!" I told her. She stopped.

"But Elsa, there's a fairy. In our room. Aren't you excited?"


She went for another photo but I grabbed her phone.

"Alex Stop! Look at her!" I yelled pointing to Kita who was seriously quivering with fear.

"Why is she scared?" Alexis questioned.

"She's a fairy in a strange place facing a paranoid girl who won't stop flashing weird unknown lights towards her, who wouldn't be scared. If it were me, I'd punch you."


"Come here Kita." I opened my hand for her to stand on. "She won't hurt you, I promise."

Kita reluctantly came and perched herself on my palm.

"Alex, this is Kita, my fairy." I said.

"Hello, Kita, sorry I scared you. I've heard a lot about fairies and always hoped to see one."

"It's okay, what is that device that kept on flashing the bright light." She flew towards Alexis' phone in my hand.

"You don't know what this is?" I held it out. She shook her head. "It's a phone, you use it to call people."

"How is that possible?" She traced her little hands around the screen.

"I'll explain later, I'm going back to bed."

I gave the phone back to Alexis and jumped into my bed.

"What about her?" Alexis pointed to Kita.

"Oh, I don't sleep." She answered.

"What?" I rose my head up.

"We are built to protect, sleeping is not an option. What if you're in danger and I'm asleep, who will help you?"

"I can help myself. Alexis, goodnight!"

"I'm not sleeping either." She said.

"Why not?"

"New episodes of Attack on Titan starts around this time. That's why I woke up."

"Have fun!" I quickly drifted off, the last thing I heard was sounds of the TV and Alexis happy voice.

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