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"What do we do?" Sal says

"Shut the fuck up I'm trying to think" Travis says. He has been pacing back and forth for the past five minutes.

"Ok, you need to put this cloak on pretend you're in the cult. We are going to go through the main area to the dungeon. I'll find a way to get Larry out while you watch the door, then you and Larry need to get out and not come back ever again. Okay?" Travis explains

"Ok, I got it" Sal says. He puts on the cloak that Travis gave him.

"Alright let's go" Travis says. They walk out of the room and start to go down the northern hall. They get to the door that leads to the main area of the cult. Travis try's to open the door.
"It's locked" Travis says

"Is there any other way to go" Sal asked

"No this is the only way to get to the dungeon"

"Oh can you pick the lock?"


"Can you pick the lock?"

"I really shouldn't be surprised a delinquent like you can pick a lock"

"Travis you're in a cult"

"That's not- ok fine"

Sals hands shake as he reaches into his hair for two bobby-pins. He's scared for Larry ,even though he doesn't want to show it.

"Hey, I can't assure that he's perfectly fine but we will find him. I promise." Travis says

Sals at a loss for words. He didn't expect Travis to be nice about this at all.

"I know" Sal says. Though he can't shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen.
"Ok, there are two locks I'll demonstrate how to open it for the first one then you can try the second one." Sal explained.

"Ok" says Travis.

Sal picks the lock trying his best to explain how he did it to him.

"Now you try on the second lock." Sal says

"Alright." Travis says "so um, Sal how did you find out I was down here?"

"I found your necklace"

"Wait really I thought I lost it."

"I mean you did, I just found it, but never the less." Sal holds out the necklace. "here you go"

"Thanks" Travis says. He takes his hands away from the lock for a moment and grabs the necklace. He looks at it for a second and puts it in his pocket. He goes back to working on the lock. It's taking longer than expected.


"Oh, I got it!" Travis exclaimes.

"Ok let's go in" Sal says pulling up his hood.They open the door and see a very large room with lots of cultists. On the other side of the room is an entrance to what appears to be cells. The dungeon. They begin to walk across the room towards the dungeon door. Passing through the cloud of cult members.

Sals been looking down the whole time being careful not to let anyone see his 'face'. The only thing guiding him through the room is that he's watching Travises shoes. One foot in front of the other. Their in the middle of the room now. Just a little longer.

Sal heard another set of feet on the dusty, brown floor. He hears Travises breathing quicken. 'It will be fine.' he tells himself. 'We're almost there.'

"Travis!" Kenneth, Travises father, yells.

Travis tenses up. "Yes, father" Travis says

"Everyone is accounted for, except something is wrong. Do you know what's wrong, Travis?"Kenneth says.

"No sir"

"There is an extra person" Kenneth reaches towards Sal and pulls down his hood. "Can you tell me why you brought someone down here Travis?"

"I did mean- he came down on his own- I-" Travis stuttered.

"Take him to the dungeon" Kenneth demanded
Cultists grabbed Sal by the arms and started to drag him away. Sal struggled but the cultists were too strong.

"NO! STOP!" Travis yelled. "STOP IT! IT WASN'T HIS FAULT! ITS MY FAULT LET HIM GO!" Travis screamed.

"TRAVIS" Sal shouted

"SA-" Travis was cut of by his dad punching him in the gut causing him to fall over.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING! YOU WILL BE PUNISHED GREATLY FOR YOUR ACTIONS" Kenneth yelled. He grabbed a long green sword from one of the cult members and held it over Travis.

Sal, who was still struggling, finally broke from the cultists grasp and ran towards Travis. As Kenneth started to swing the sword at Travis, Sal jumped in front of him, catching the blade. He winced with pain from the cuts the sword made in his hands.

The cultists grabbed Sal again and took him to the dungeon. Kenneth grabbed Travis by the collar and dragged him off. Sal watched as Travis was being taken God knows where. The cultists threw him in a cell with another person in it, Larry.

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