The girlies

36 1 2

Tw illegal drug use, withdrawal mention, and blood.
This is a long one.

Dawns never been new to the topic of medication. Since she was a little kid she would go with her parents to pick up all sorts of medicine! She knows where to get it, she knows how to make sure it's safe, and she knows how it works. She is well aware of the effects different medications have, she's seen it a million time. But why not use her knowledge to help people? So she worked hard, got into a good school, and studied medical science.

When Sal, Travis, and Larry showed up Ashley explained the situation to her, at least as much as she saw fit. While observing the three she noticed a lot. She was always an observer, practicing reading people's lips from across rooms, analyzing body language, anything she could. It was her way of reading a room, of understanding the people around her when everyone is communicating in a way she can't hear. She noticed how much Larry would zone out, how Travis jumped at the slightest bump, and how Sal fell asleep standing up.

Eventually she found the courage to ask them what meds they may have taken before they ran away. Travis had not taken any, but from what she knew about his upbringing that wasn't a shock. Sal took Zoloft for his depression and anxiety. And Larry took Adderall for his ADHD.

After a couple "consultations" with Travis she decided to surprise them all. She knows what withdrawals can do to a person, and she doesn't want anyone to hurt that bad. She brought Larry the Adderall, and told him to only take 20 milligrams a day, but with how often he gets refills she doubts he listened (she refills it anyway, maybe it's unethical, but so would be letting him withdraw), based of what Travis had said to her she had picked him up Lexapro for depression and anxiety, along with Thorazine, as he described seeing things and hearing voices. Dawn carefully communicated to Travis to update her on any side effects at all, and to only take what she proscribed. When she brought Sal his Zoloft he refused. He knows she couldn't have gotten it legally, but he also knew he had never gone more than a week without it.

The first few times Sal ran out of the medicine he didn't say anything, he just tried to go on without the prescription turned illegal drug, but whenever the shakes and irritability got too bad, he would always show up at Dawns door. In all honesty it made her feel terrible, she knows Sals medicine was originally prescribed, and Travis seemed to be doing better at first, but she can't shake the guilt that comes with giving people illegal drugs, even if she thinks she's helping them.

The more Travis's health declines the more concerned she gets, she spends hours upon hour in the library reading both medical textbooks and records regarding demonic possession, in an attempt to find a link. She would love to say it's because she cares, and while she does care (quite a lot actually) the main reason is because she is obsessed with the idea of helping him. And through helping him, possibly helping many. If she could find a medical cure, or even just an explanation of possession her work could have the potential to help millions.

When she gets the text from Sal, she knows she should be saddened, she tries to be, and of course she does worry to an extent. But a part of her, a part that she deeply resents, is excited to have a new clue. A new thing to pin on the cork board that is her mind. It is selfish, and maybe horrible, but it is the way she operates and she doesn't know of any medicine that could change it.

She finds a record of a woman named Sandy who was reported to have the same sort of dark red substance leaking from her nose, and eventually her ears. Dawn checks out the book, and makes a mental note that Evelynn was found in Indiana, the same state Nockfell appears in the map.

It's late when Dawn gets home, it always is. Ashley can't help but worry, over the past 6 months she has known Dawn she has developed strong feelings for her, she is reluctant to say "love" as she knows it couldn't work out. Dawn is smart, and beautiful, and straight. She is kind, she is everything Ash wants, and everything she can't have.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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