Long drive

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Sal and Larry turn corner after corner. Still they couldn't find Travis. It had been awhile, they weren't sure exactly how long but they did know they had to search quickly so no one had the chance to come back and find them.

Then they found a strange door. One that looked out of place. At the bottom of the door there was something spilling out of the room. It looked like- clay?

"You don't think-" Sal started.

"I hope not." Larry responded

"Me too but, like we have to look"

"Ugh fine"

Sal slowly turned the door nob. As he open the door they saw a room with furniture made from clay. Everything was clay. Everything that moved had a slight lag, like a claymation. In the corner of the room there was a blonde boy made of clay. He had his arms wrapped around his knees and his head tucked into his knees. His breathing was shakey. The red tinted lights made his hair look sort of red.

"Travis?" Sal asked, a sliver of concern in his voice.

"Oh, sorry, I went looking for you but couldn't find you. I ended up in here. I've always hated claymations--" Travis' words trailed off from there.

"It's fine, now come on this place is weird" Sal responded.

"Yeah" Travis walked out of the room hitting Sal's shoulder as he walked past. As he walked down the long hallway he was still lost in thought. Thinking about what the fuck just happened. All he wanted to do was forget. Not like that will ever happen. After all, the pain right now was almost to much to bear. He could imagine how it would feel later.

His thoughts were cut of by Sal asking him to slow down. Sal is short and can't catch up with Travis and Larry.

Travis laughed at Sal running to catch up. "Ok, what are we gonna do now? We can't really stay here."

"We could go stay with Todd, Ash, and Neil" Sal suggested.

"That's not a bad idea." Larry said.

"Ok then. Guess we're going to New York." Travis added.

"Yeah- wait how did you know they were in new york?" Sal asked.

"He's in a cult. He probably knows everything about this town." Larry answered.

"Yeah he's right" Travis said.


They had decided to take Larrys mom's car because she kept money in the car for emergencies.

"Wait I need something!" Sal remembered.

"Sal we don't have time-" Larry started. By that time though Sal was already in the apartments. Around 5 minutes later he came out of the building with a big orange cat in his arms. He set it down and it followed him to the car. Sal opened the car for the cat and it jumped in.

"Okay who's driving?" Larry asked.

"I don't think I can" Sal said.

"Why?" Travis asked.

"He's probably to short to see over the dashboard" Larry laughed.

Sal punched him in the arm. "No dumbass, my hands are cut. I'm may be short but I'm not tha-" Sal tried to say.

"You two are so fucking annoying." Travis cut him off. And got in the car, followed by Sal getting into the passenger seat and Larry getting into the driver seat. They began to drive, it was silent for a long time until they got to a gas station.

"Do you want anything" Sal asked Travis, turning around in his seat to look at him.

"No" Travis responded.

"Ok then" Sal said getting out of the car. He came Back outside of the gas station with a bag in hand. He got back into the car and handed Travis a drink.

"I got you a monster" Sal said, turning around in his seat.

"Oh, um, thanks." Travis said examining the can. He'd never tried a monster before. He opened the can and took a sip. "EW WHAT THE FUCK!" He shouted. Sal bursted into laughter. Larry got back into the car. Looking back at Travis and seeing him holding the can with a sour expression on his face. Larry turned to Sal, who was still dying of laughter.

"You gave him an energy drink" Larry laughed.

Sal was still dying with laughter. After awhile Travis started laughing too. He hadn't had a good laugh in a while. They started driving again. Travis stayed quiet while Sal and Larry talked amongst themselves. It was a really awkward car ride, for Travis at least. Not to mention the cat that didn't smell great. Sal and Larry had been quite for a while so Travis decided to try to break the silence.

"Why does the cat sit like a person?" He asked. A horrible way to go about talking to the people you will be stuck with for god knows how long. But Travis has never been good at conversation anyways.

"Because he is." Sal jokes.

"What?" Travis laughed.

"I was kidding" Sal giggled. He was starting to warm up to Travis, a little bit. Plus knowing that Travis was part of the cult kind of explained somethings.

"I got that, thanks" Travis laughed. He honestly didn't think about Sal much over summer break. But now that he is seeing him again all the feelings Travis was covering up where resurfaced. Travis was starting to notice all the things he loved about Sal. The two were on good terms after what happened in the bathroom. Of course they still weren't really friends but they didn't hate each other. Travis looked out the window at the road passing by him. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Hey! Thanks for reading the story so far! I apologize for all the spelling mistakes. I'm dyslexic so it's hard for me to catch the mistakes. So I hope you guys can look over them and if there is a word you can't read because of the miss-spelling than comment about it and I will try to tell you what word it is. I hope you enjoy the story! :)


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