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Life in the city was more boring than expected. They didn't go out much and when they did it was just to get food. Since Sal and Travis were both only 17 , they figured they were missing and they really didn't want to go back. No no, going back would be a death trap. There's no way they can go back now.

With that, they kinda just sit around all day, occasionally talking to each other about little things like favorite foods or that one kitchen tile that's lighter than all the others. But today was different. Today they decided not to be boring.

"And on the left side of the ring, weighting in at 15lb, is Gizmo!!" Travis held a hair brush to his mouth like a microphone and tried his best to do an announcer voice.

"And on this side, weighting in at 124lb, SAAAALLLYYY FACEEE!" Sal shot his arms in the air and trotted around in a little circle.

"The rules of this game are simple. There will be a treat in the middle of the room. Who ever gets to it first wins!" Travis pulled a treat out of his pocket, causing Gizmo to perk up. "And the game begins.....NOW!" He threw down the treat.

Gizmo immediately ran at the treat and snatched it up. "Come on Giz, you barely gave me a chance." Sal had barely moved from his original spot. "Sorry Travis. I think Gizmo has had enough treats." Sal turned to Travis.

"That's okay we can play another game."

"Oh actually Larry told me to ask you if you have been feeling okay. He said you seemed off." Travises heart dropped. How much did he say?

"Oh, yeah no, I'm good."

"You sure?" Sal tilted his head. Shit, did he know Travis was lying.

"Yeah I'm sure." Sal saw straight through his lies, but he saw no reason to pry. It's not like Travis was dying or anything.

"Okay. We should play a game to get to know each other better."

"Like what."

"Hmm.... Two truths and a lie?" Sal played this game quite a lot. He was good at it too, not a lot of people believe he got shot in the face. Hell, not even the doctors believe it.

"Oh, yeah, that could be fun!"

"Okay I'll go first. I've never broken the law, I fucking hate vegetables, and my real hair color is blue."

"I don't think your real hair color is blue."

"It actually is!" Travis looked confused. "I don't know either."

"So.... what was the lie"

"Oh! Um, Ive broken the law before. Don't worry I didn't kill anyone or anything but I stole candy a couple times."

Travis nodded. "Oh"

"Um- so what's yours?"

"Oh yeah. I was born in Nockfell. I play piano, and I have never eaten a hot dog."

"Everyones had a hot dog"

"Yeah." Travis frowned.

"So you play piano?"

"Yeah. I had to play for the church a lot."

"Hm.. maybe you could play for me some time?"

Travis blushed "oh- i mean I could if- if you want me to but-"

Sal giggled "it's okay, you don't have to."

"Yeah, heh, um I think it's your turn."

"Right, sorry." Sal laughed awkwardly. "I... can't think of anything else"

"Okay" Travis laughed. "Maybe we could just share little facts about our self instead of a get to know you game."

"Okay. You go first."

"Alright. I... don't have lots of friends growing up."

"Really" Sal said dumbfounded. Travis nodded. "That's so sad."

"I had friends they were just girls. My life isn't that sad."

"You should tell me about them." Sal suggested.

"You still can't think of anything can you?" Sal nodded. "Heh, okay. There was this one girl, Sandy, most of my friends were in the cult with me by the way, anyways Sandy was a lot older than me, I think she was like six years older than me. Yeah but she was really nice to me and the rest of the younger kids, also all girls, I think there were no boys because of the whole Child of Abomination thing but that's not even the topic I was on it the first place-" Travis dropped his head in his hands, signed then sat back up. "I literally can't focus for shit, okay so Sandy, very nice, told us stories all the time. Her favorite were the ones about the sea. Se talked about sailing far away where people couldn't hurt her. I think at one point she tried to build a boat, but-"

Travis slowed down, a grim expression growing on his face. "She got caught. She didn't tell many stories after that. She avoided the little kids too. I still think about her a lot."

"Damn, that sucks. I'm sorry." Sal said

"it's fine" He flashed Sal a sad smile. " once I was like 12 I would tell stories to the younger girls too. At this point Sandy was gone. Anyway most of the girls liked the stories with talking animals and shit, but one girl, Lillie, was really interesting in the ones about the ocean. I had to tell her stories after the main story so she wouldn't be sad. I don't know, but I saw it as a sign. A sign that after the boat incident Sandy still cared."

Sal struggled to find the right words. Eventually he got there. "I don't think she stoped caring. I think she was just scared. How old was she?"

"I think she was 13"

"Yeah, she was probably scared. I'm sure she wanted to talk to you all still."

"Yeah I hope so" Travis face smiled again. "So what about you"

"Hmmmm... OH!" Sal shouted causing Travis to flinch. "Sorry, I have a glass eye."


"Yeah!" Sal said.

The boys spent a while tossing around fun facts about them selves. Eventually they decided to watch a movie. They even forgot about the fact that they had to take down a huge cult. So I'd say it was a good time.

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