A favor

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It had been a few days since Travis talked to Larry. They were both trying to process what was happening. Despite what Larry said Travis wasn't gonna mention the possession to Sal.

"He's probably going through enough." Is what Travises excuse was. That was part of the reason. Truthfully he didn't really want help, he didn't know why. Maybe he didn't feel worthy, or maybe he liked the pain, Maybe he wanted to be gone.


"Hey Sally face, could I talk to you for a second." Travis asked.

"Yeah sure!" Sal said.

"Um, okay" Travis sat down. "I just- I just want to say I'm sorry, for everything I said and did. And I know a sorry probably won't be enough-"

"Yeah" Sal interrupted.

"But I'm willing to do something to make up for it." He really didn't want Sal to hate him. He didn't know why he hated Sal, his stupid mask, his big blue eyes, his electric blue hair that looked.... so so soft- No no no Travis wanted to stop thinking like that, why was it so difficult?

"Hmm" Sal responded. "I'm trying to think of I should use the favor now, or cash it in later" he was kinda mumbling at this point. "But I want the others to forgive you too so it should benefit them too." He was thinking for like five minutes after that.

"OUUU I KNOW WHAT YOU CAN DO!" The sudden raise in volume made Travis flinch. "You should help us plan to take down the cult!"


"You said you were willing to do something!"

"Yeah I just didn't expect it the be that!"

"Okay but this is perfect. We'll be able to get inside information! And you'll be able to redeem yourself- sort of. Anyway the point is you have valuable information that we probably need."

"That's a good point but you can't just take down the cult. It's not just simple."

"Yeah that's we need your help."

"Fine, whatever I'll help you" Travis rolled his eyes.

"Thank you! Oh yay this will be fun."

"That's debatable."

"Shut up Traaaviiis" Sal giggled

Travis hated that he loved when he did that.

"I'm gonna go tell everyone else!" Sal ran out of the living room and to the bedroom where everyone else was playing Uno.

(Travis said he was sorry and that he was willing to make it up to us, so I told him he should help us take down the cult and he agreed and now he's gonna help us!)

"Slow down we can't understand you" Todd deadpanned.

"Travis said he will help us take down the cult!" Sal said excitedly.

"THE WHAT?!?" Neil shouted.

"Oh shit, Todd you should have a talk with him." Larry said. "How did you get him to agree to doing that?" He asked turning back to Sal.

"He wanted to redeem himself for what he did to us or something." Sal said quickly.

"You sound like your speed running this conversation." Ash laughed.

"He really wanted to do that?" Larry asked.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it from him." Sal blushed under his prosthetic.

"Yeah I didn't either." Todd said. Neil still looked really distraught. "Should we finish the game later?" Todd turned to him.

"There's... a cult?" Neil asked.

"Yes, I will give you the details later since SAL had to tell you." Todd glared at Sal.

"Sorry" Sal whispered.

"It's fine, we'll start planning in the morning." Todd said.


Everyone failed to tell Travis they would start planning in the morning. He was stressed about it already but thought that he at least had a week. But nope, Sal woke him up the next morning telling him they "need to get started!"

Travis sat up off the floor and rubbed his eyes. "Get started with what?" Travis yawned.

"Planning to take down the cult. Remember you said you wou-" Sal responded.

"Shit" Travis said sleepily, laying back down. "I didn't know that started today." He was definitely still half asleep.

"Well wake up! Everyone is waiting on you!" Sal said.

"Fine, fine" Travis sat up. "I'm awake."


Travis walked into the living room to see three card tables pushed together. There were files and note pads and pen and a lot more stuff along those lines.

Sitting at the table was Larry, Ash, Todd, Neil and another girl Travis didn't know. There were two empty seats. One next to Larry and one next to the new girl. Sal sat down next to Larry leaving Travis to sit next to someone he didn't know, which would normally be a bad think but she was likely the only one there who didn't dislike Travis. So he decided to talk to her.

"Hi I don't think I've seen you before. What's your name?" Travis asked the girl. She didn't look up from her book.

Ash tapped her on the shoulder and pointed at Travis.

She turned to him. One of her braids shifted so Travis could see that she a hearing aid on her ear. It was dark blue with little white speckles on it.

"Sorry I'm deaf." She said while signing. Her speech was slightly slurred.

"It okay don't apologize!" Travis said grabbing a note pad and writing something down.

'Don't apologize. I was just asking what your name was :)'

"Oh okay! My names Dawn." She replied "I can read lips so you don't have to write." She gave the not pad back. "What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Travis, its nice to meet you" his head began to hurt worse making his face twitch in pain.

"Are you okay" Dawn asked with a look of concern on her face.

"Yeah, I just have a headache." He said forcing a smile.

"I'll go get you something." She stood up and walked to the bathroom and came back with a bottle of pain medicine. She gave Travis two small pills. " if the pain comes back say something to me, I'm majoring in medicine so I can help."

"Okay" he knew it wasn't gonna work but the gesture was nice so he didn't say anything.

Hi! I just would like to say that I'm not deaf so I don't know what it's like therefor I can't right it 100% right. But representation is important so I wanted to add Dawn in. If anyone in the deaf community wants to correct me on things or give me suggestions that would be great! Love you all, thanks for reading my story 💕


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