Prime Headcanon 4

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Requested by DeathFaller
love ya girlie!

• We got a X reader! You're a stunning ass femme XD

Knockout is overly protective of his femme, so he does what a protective mech would do: he whips out the buzzsaws baby!

"Oh come on, I'm just grabbing two energon cu-"

"No" Knockout responded bluntly. "You're too much of a topic right now among...well, everyone."

"Knockout, honey..." Y/D said, flashing him her beautiful dark maroon optics. "I'll be fine. My spark belongs to one mech and one mech alone." She reassured him. "There's no need to get possessive, I can handle my own ya know."

The red medic sighed. "I only worry about you because I care. I don't want any other mech hitting on you, and since your arrival that's all that everyone's been talking about, and if I could I'd rip out their sparks for speaking to you in such a manner."

Y/D chuckled, finding his violent humor entertaining. They were Decepticons after all, not everything is always peachy.

"I'll be back by the time you knew I was gone." Y/D said, turning to leave as she pushed off the medical table they were both leaning on opposite sides from.

He watched his very beautiful, but very stubborn femme leave him and adventure out into the Nemesis' hallway route system. Normally he was never this protective of her, but after hearing the comments spew from the vehicons' intakes, even going as far as to include both Breakdown, his best friend, and Starscream into the hit-list. Everyone on board wanted a taste of that damn near-perfect femme of his, and Knockout wasn't having it.

But Megatron took it too far. When the damn warlord wants something, he gets it....on most cases.

Who wouldn't want the most lovable and adorable femme? Y/D had it all: a sweet and bubbly personality, a helping servo for anybot in need, a body like primus sculpted her himself, and the cleverness and playful traits of an experienced Decepticon. So whatever Knockout did long ago to win her spark over continues to push him to make sure he doesn't lose her, no matter the cost.

"Frag it" Knockout said in a frustrated tone, bouncing up from the medical table and into the hallway, following Y/D's invisible pedesteps to the energon vault.

The red medic confidently hid behind each wall as he spotted his lover.

"Hot damn femme" one vehicon said, as another cat-called. Y/D paid no attention to the drones as she walked by, their optics glued to her swaying hip-plates.

Knockout growled, whipping out his buzzsaws as he quickly caught up to her.

"Wanna say that a bit louder, afthole?" Knockout threatened as Y/D turned around, covering her intake to stop her from laughing at the scene. Knockout had his buzzsaws spinning next to their neckcables.

She tilted her helm. "Knockout.." She laughed.

"Sorry baby" He responded, not looking to her but to the vehicons. He seen red, and when someone sees red, then all bets are off.

"Oh will you knock it off" Y/D said as she rolled her optics, grabbing his arm as he was forced to switch his blades out for his servos. Only Y/D could control him when he gets like this.

The vehicons ran away as she dragged him with her, now laughing out in the open.

"Sometimes you're so ridiculous" She pleaded as her wrapped his servo around her torso. "I just ignore it."

"How can someone that? They must know it has to be uncomfortable to you, and yet they continue, even after my threats."

"I don't know, but I'm glad you're here regardless. I love you."

"I love you too." Knockout said with a smile, gently bowing his helm to kiss the top of hers as they walked down the strip.

The two came face to face with the large vault doors, opening up for them both.

"Ah, Y/D, what a surprise to see you here." Megatron said himself, not taking his optics off of the femme, even when he knew Knockout was right beside her, and probably as angry as ever.

Then the red medic did what had to be done, and whipped the buzzsaws back out.

Y/D gasped. "Knockout! Put those back right now! You don't flash our leader like that!"

"I don't care, he tempted me!"

- End -

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