RID Headcanon 30

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Requested by GoldDriveFanNumber1

• A requested x reader
• Forgive me, I watched like, the first 20 episodes of RID so long ago and cannot remember a lot about the side characters so I'm going to try my absolute best XD

Chop Shop loves medical horror films

"I don't think he'll cause any harm like that, he can't even steal the thing. Come on 'bee, let him have the tv. I will personally watch over him if it helps you recharge better at night."

Our yellow leader looked to the red Decepticon in his ragged chains watching the tv out in front of him. It was late at the scrapyard, Denny and Russel long asleep. Instead of freezing the 'con we agreed to keep him active, and he agreed to talk if we granted him his one "wish", which was a color tv. Odd enough, I pulled
The strings and made sure it happened.

But with this came the stress of having an active Decepticon on our watch. Granted he was chained and all but still, the mech can turn into like, a billion small versions of himself. It was freaky to watch and near worrysome if he tried to pull any monkey business on my watch.

"Just..just watch him, okay? I'll take shifts with you. I just need optics on the 'con at all times, I don't want this to backfire on us." Bumblebee looked worried but still dropped the Cybertronian pistol in my servo. He muttered about it being "protection" and something along the lines of being thankful that Strongarm, Grimlock and/or Sideswipe were not the ones in my shoes. I laughed, having to agree. I did want to correct him with the whole shoe thing and poke fun at his use of human phrases but I figured it wasn't the time to pry.

"He'll be fine." I say to the yellow bot. "Go rest, please. I'll come wake you in two hours."

As soon as he proceeded in the opposite direction I turned to look at the glow of a tv screen a few yards away from me, scrapyard junk piled high all around like a maze. The red 'con sat down with his handcuffed servos above him, chained to a strong piece of metal. He focused on the screen as I watched from afar before making my way closer towards him.

My pedes dug in the sand further and further as I watched the screen become bigger and bigger, my optics focusing on the human movie playing. It was ominous for sure, and the music was almost creepy sounding.

Shivers ran down my backstrut as I heard the mech chuckle at the dark-looking screen, seeing medical supplies and bloodied bandages showcase all over the movie. I scoffed, turning my helm to watch the mech just utterly mutter to himself. I knew the 'con was a wacko but I didn't know he lost his processor, either.

"My oh my I love these movies." He would mutter these type of phrases to himself, squirming in delight at the movie playing while I myself was getting sick, tanks moving and about ready to puke my bolts out with the horrendous movie. Is this what human people watch, too??

"It's not so much the gore, it's the suspense. Agh I love the suspense." Chop shop, the 'con still handcuffed, spoke to me as he eyed me and the movie at the same time. "And the medical addition? Genius. I need to find more movies like this."

"Can you at least watch something more appropriate?" I say, flinching from the screen as I heard a scream come from it. I wasn't physically very close to the 'con or the tv for good reason, but I was definitely close enough to know that I wasn't enjoying this one bit. If I had to watch him I'd rather be in a much more comfortable setting, not watching him get off on medical human horror films.

"You want me to talk, don't you? Well I wanna watch this, doll. You can come closer, ya know. It's not like I can latch out and grab ya." He laughed, wiggling his long chain as if I didn't already know his predicament. I crossed my arms.

"I'm good right here." I say in confidence, looking away from the screen. I would really not like to see anymore human heads fly up into the air, the poor image of the Clay family would be stuck in my helm all night.

"Mmm, suit yourself."

This continued on for two hours, all up until it was time to change my position with Bee. I changed his movie too, I hope Bee can handle these more than I can because it was in that same type of genre. As much as ai wanted to put on some lighthearted comedy I knew the Cybertronian would become bored and fidget-y,
so sadly another one of these wretched films would have to do. The mech was quietly just watching along, something I was at least very thankful for instead of him asking me questions or trying to escape every few minutes. Like I said, very peculiar and odd.

Bee woke right up when I forcefully shook his shoulder, getting up and rubbing the drowsiness from his optics. It was currently 5AM.

"How is he?" He questioned, scratching his neckplates.

"Surprisingly cooperative, he's just been watching tv all night, said about 10 words to me in total. Hasn't tried to escape either, which is good. Man they must've took away his rights to his movies or something over there, because I couldn't even get him to look away from the screen for nothing."

"I'm not buying it, maybe it's an out to something, I don't know." Bee said as he got up, taking his gun back amd pocketing it. "I'll scout it out before I don't care enough and my patience runs out to just ask him a bunch of questions. I kept my spot nice and warm, I suggest you get some rest
yourself now." Bumblebee said to me as I nodded in approval.

As soon as I sat down on the berth at the end of the scrapyard both Bee and I jumped with the sound of a crash and ruckus, the two of us quickly running back to Chop Shop with the single bat of an optic eye.

"Oh nonono." I muttered as we both looked at the scene laid out for us. The 'con was missing, handcuffs torn off and dangling from the pole as the tv's glow wasn't present either.

"Aw man, did he take the tv too?"

"He did." Bee facepalmed. "But that's the least of our worries. We
gotta go find us a Decepticon, go and alert the others."

"They're not going to be happy knowing their tv is gone." I sighed, turning  back to the end of base and braking into a little jog. I didn't blame myself, I had to go get Bee after all.

Oh, and the damn mech took Russel's horror films. Boy will he be mad in the morning.

I woke up the others, and our search started then. All Decepticons were different, and him liking these type of medical horror movies was just another thing to add to the list of what's
wrong with the fraction all and all.

- End -

A/N: I love horror movies 😂 and
currently watching one at 3am.
I paused to edit this chapter for some reason lol. Been watching them since I was 3 years old so I have built up ammunition, fun fact of the day 😎

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