Prime Headcanon 9

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Requested by elizabethwong1998

• Features a femme reader :)

Megatron will do anything to deny his feelings, of course, until he snaps

The room was silent, as the warlord liked the silence for his ever-flowing thoughts. Currently Megatron stood facing the glass-tainted windows, servos crossed behind his backstrut. His mind was occupied with the dreaded idea he promised himself he would never think about: Love

This was never a trouble for him, as he genuinely thought he'd never actually fall in love, and he was okay with knowing that. He has a war to win, nothing was as important to him than this, or so he told himself. But he couldn't deny his growing attraction to the femme at his side for eons. In one word, he'd do quite literally anything for her, no matter his denial. And it seems like she was the only one to control him in the heat of the moment.

But who could love a Warlord?

He was vile, he was cruel, and he was unsympathetic. All the opposite traits Y/D held and more. Even saying that, who said she loved him back? For all he knows she could be as power-hungry as him, only in disguise.  No, he possibly could not be in love. There has to be a distinctive reason why he felt like this.

But then her smile drifted into his mind, which in turn made him cock his optic ridge. Her delicate words to him that rolled off her dermas so easily, the way she fought next to him in battle, or how she betrayed the Autobots oh so long ago to serve him and stayed as loyal as Soundwave. There was so much to love about her, yet he kept trying to deny his liking. 

Every king needs a queen, but he wasn't a king. He was a ruthless warmonger who shouldn't be allowing himself be presently weak for some female counterpart. This war raged on in his helm, back and forth, as he made his way from the window to his darkened throne aboard his ship.

He rubbed his helm a little, sitting down now in the moon-lit room. If they weren't circulating in space at this particular moment in time, the room would most likely be pitch black if not for said moon light and bio lights that illuminated the seams in the metal floor.

He quickly opened his optics back up and removed his servo caressing his forehelm, looking to the source of the door in front of him opening. In walked the singular being on his mind. Great, just great.

"Hey, megsy." Y/D said low, the door shutting behind her as she fully walked into the room. Only she could call him that, and he secretly loved it.

Megatron shook a protruding blush from his faceplates as she made her way to him, setting a cube of energon down on the throne's armrest.

He looked to her, one of his closest companions, in utter awe.

"What? Is there something on my faceplate..?" Y/D questioned as she giggled, wiping her cheek plating just in case.

Even though he told himself to be quiet, he could no longer control himself nor his words. There's no denying it now...

"I seem to be drawn to you, my dearest Y/D" he said, looking to her.

"But who...could love a warlord like me." he muttered, putting his servo up once he saw her try to near him. "Don't."

"Megsy.." She spoke calmly. "I have loved that very same warlord for a long, long time."

"Impossible. You're only saying that to please me."

"I don't have to say scrap to you, Sir." She joked, which made him raise his optic ridge once again.

"I love you too. Is that so hard to say?" Y/D asked, not caring about the boundary he set. She knew she could cross it anyways if she wanted to.

"What are you..?" Megatron questioned, seeing the femme walk over to his throne, casually sitting on his armrest, setting the energon cube next to the throne on the ground.

In one swift motion she grabbed his faceplates to bring it close to hers, kissing his dermas for the very first time. The warlord was of course shocked, but grabbed her helm to reciprocate the same force that was given to him before they pulled away.

"What a bold move to show your master." He scruffed out. "Do it again."

And with that, the femme kissed him again, her digits holding his shoulder-plating.

- End -

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