Prime Headcanon 15 (NSFW)

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-Not requested-

• Seeker Femme reader :)
• L e m o n n y s m u t t i n e s s
• Very quick and rushed smutty scene :') I apologize in advance

Starscream is rough in berth by nature

"STARSCREAM! Y/D! GET YOUR SORRY TAILPIPES FRONT AND CENTER!" Megatron yelled through the comms, before angrily hanging up. Both seekers gulped as they looked to each other, the two of them quietly walking down the lonesome hallway.

"How bad you think the beating will be this time?" Y/D joked as she showed her crooked smile of nervousness. Starscream secretly found the gesture adorable, quickly grabbing her servo as they walked down the hall to the throne room.

"By the likes, bad." Starscream skittishly fluttered his wings back and forth. "But I'm not letting him hit my femme, that's for sure."

Y/D seen the blush rise to his cheeks upon calling her his. Starscream's development on a whole changed drastically since she boarded the Nemesis, so she never really got to know that "annoying" seeker he once was, as everyone put it. Sure, he has his moments, but all in all she knew she changed him for the better. And she loved knowing she could do such things to a mech.

"Really? You'd take a hit for me?" She questioned, looking into his optics all dreamy, batting them rapidly back and forth. He chuckled, kissing the top of her helm before he muttered "Of course, I have to deal with it on a daily basis, anyways."

"You can walk, right?" He then asked, noticing the small limp she hid as he blushed once again.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." She said as she waved him off, giving him the stink eye as he smirked, walking with just *that* much more prep in his walk. Seems like he forgot all about their beating in a minute here.

"Your limp says otherwise." He smiled, before Y/D rolled her optics. Mechs and their ego.

They both finally made it to the double steel doors, each taking a gulp of air first. Starscream pushed the door open first.

There sat a frustrated Warlord, rubbing his helm with his servo as he sighed. His optics were closed, but he knew the two of them walked in, the door closing behind them confirmed it.

(1st pov)

"What am I going to do to the both of you, you may ask?" Megabucket coldly said, his voice protruding from the pit in his vocal chamber. I started fidgeting with my digits in anticipation as I gulped, Starscream in my peripheral doing exactly what I thought he was. He was pretending to look strong.

"Count your lucky stars, the two of you. Just EXACTLY were you doing when the relic was STOLEN RIGHT UNDER YOUR OPTICS?!" The steam was practically sweating off the large mech as I stumbled a little, Starscream squeaking in response.

I chose to speak up first. "I-well, The ice caved in, and, and, we rushed to get to stable ground..."

I looked to Starscream, who knew to fill the rest in off the top of his helm. "And yes, we saved ourselves. B-by the time we made our way over to the other side of that...what do you call it, mountain? Anyways it took a while, and when we both went to snatch the relic but it was gone."

Megatron looked to me to confirm if this was indeed a lie. It was, but I wasn't about to be beaten to a pulp so I of course nodded, agreeing with our little fib.

Starscream squeezed my servo, an indication without actually saying we'll be okay.

"And you say it took you a 'while' to cross this...mountain? What were you simply doing in the time it took you to cross?" The warlord questioned further. The mech beside me cleared his vocal lines as he spoke for me.

"Why, we walked around it of course. If you're implying that of which if we kept each other company, we did that, too." I seen that sly wink from the corner of his optics flicker to me, as I held back a laugh. "Right, Y/D?"



"This fragging wasteland is freezing my gears to rust!" Starscream complained, shivering. I ran my own servos across my arms, trying to create some sort of friction to warm me up.

The two of us walked into a icicle-infested Arctic cave, the sunlight glistening the small slivers of ice to resemble sharp shards of glass. Everything bounced off of everything in this cave, even our own shiny exteriors.

"Wanna fool around?"

The seeker turned his helm faster than I think I've ever seen him do so as he smirked. Starscream pushed me to the frozen tundra wall, a shiver running down my spinal column as our dermas collided.

"Are you sure, Y/D? Do you want this?" The seeker asked, to which I nodded eagerly. I don't care where we were, we finally got alone time.

"It'll warm our frames up, that's for sure." I joked, chuckling as I gripped his faceplates closer to mine before I caught him in a kiss.

"Frag the relic" We both said in sync, jumping at our words as he smiled to each other. Starscream pushed me higher up against the wall, reaching down to unclasp our interface plates.

"Let's see what we're working with here." He advanced lower, tinkering around with the metal above my valve plating. I grew hot despite the weather here as the seeker toyed with me, before he surprised me with his own interface organ rubbing up against me.

The mech quickly thrusted his length into me, a loud moan from the two of us echoed through the abandoned cave, the icicles shaking with his rougher thrusts. The seeker was rough by nature, I knew he didn't want to purposefully hurt me. I'd be lying If I said I didn't enjoy every second of the pleasure he showered me in, getting me close to the blissful moment in my build-up.

"Oh, oh dear Primus Starscream! Don't stop!" I encouraged the seeker with my words as he continued his pace. My own two wings twitched in delight as they came up and down with me through the thrusting fits on the ragged wall. We seemed to be moaning in the pitch as he reached his peak, throwing me into that same feel of euphoria.

I was let back down as my ghost-like pedes touched the ground again, Starscream helping me up to stand.

It hurt to stand as I collapsed onto him, the seeker holding me up.

"Can you walk?" He questioned as I replied cheeky. "No, not at all."

He showed concern until I told him I was fine. "There's no way I'm up to search this Tundra for a stupid relic, I don't care what our boss thinks. Fake a defeat? I'm sure Optimus is already working on getting here, and in my state I don't want to get two beatings in one day."

"Fine by me, dearest Y/D."


"No Starscream, I was implying and processing how much of a fool you two think I am. Did you simply just forget to FLY around this mountain instead of walking AROUND IT!?" The tyrants words spluttered out to us as he was practically foaming at the intake from anger.

Heh, whoops.

I internally panicked, seeing the seeker next to me do the same.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." Megatron said to no one. Our optics went wide as we seen him sit up from his throne and step down the stairs.

One look at each other, and we were off, transforming together as we zoomed down the hallway. Our wings indeed worked fine this time.

- End -

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