Prime Headcanon 34 (NSFW-ish)

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Requested by KnockoutsHumanPet

I hope you enjoy!

• Femme reader!
• It's NSFW-ish. I didn't make it too bad this time around, it just comes in at the end 👀
• 2nd POV because that POV is rare for me and I wanna use it more :3

Megatron is a very light sleeper

One bullet to the shoulderplate and you were down. The lights casting through the thick fog in the sky just made things worse as you held your helm and your shoulder, trying to stop the gushing energon from pouring out of the wound.

Everything was a daze, and the world seemingly was too dizzy for you to realize you collapsed in the middle of the war zone.

"She's wounded!" You hear a voice in the distance but were too weak to do much about it but crawl. The shots still firing were persistent as they scared you into moving.

The dirt was extra dry this time of year. You felt the lack of water in the ground as the Earthy substance stuck to your sweaty servos just trying to grasp something instead of nothing. Shadows danced through your already blurred vision as you flinched from the excruciating pain you were trying not to think about.

Before you knew it you felt two strong arms pick you up and start running in an unknown direction. Your optics tried focusing on them but your vision failed and instantly, your helm fell weakly on their shoulderplate. With a intake too dry to speak you held your saved energy in for a later date as everything you did from this post on would become incredibly difficult, filtering energon in and out especially.

As you heard the low grunt of your savior from their sprint the world you've known went dark; until about 5 hours later.

Honestly, having woken up in the first place was a good sigh of relief. Secondly, it took you only
A few seconds to realize that where you ended up was probably more dangerous than the battlefield itself.

Looking around the dark room, you noticed it was a berthroom. Whose? Still no clue. You recognized the metal floor pattern immediately being the Nemesis, which was another sigh of relief knowing you didn't end up in Autobot hands.

Feeling like you shouldn't necessarily move, you found the pain to only be half as bad as before, reaching up to feel your whole left shoulderplate was already mended and patched up.

"Weird" you thought, rubbing the back of your stiff neckcables. You really haven't moved your helm from this position since it stung, but what really stung even more was the fall in your tanks when you heard a light snore come from right next to you.

In the slightest of stiff movements you turned your sore helm to look to your left, and when you did your optics grew so heavily dilated it looked like you were still doped up on painkillers.

So, this apparently was Megatron's berthroom.

The first question that came to your helm was how in the pits you're laying right next to your leader; so close even having shared body heat. You knew for damn sure you didn't just walk right in here, no, you were put in here. By who? Who knows.

Knockout came to your mind first, that damn flashy medic. He probably patched you up and being the "hilarious" mech he was, set you in your leader's berth knowing good and well you couldn't move. You didn't have a deathwish, and after you escaped this you hoped Knockout did because this foolery is deadly.

Damn did it hurt sitting up. It was the only thing your mind could comprehend to do to get out of this situation, fight or flight was kicked into overdrive, well, more of just the "flight" aspect of the saying.

Delicately enough, you threw your pedes over the side of the berth, your pain only secondary in this senario as you surveyed how many steps you'd have to take to get to the door.

The pressure change on the berth was enough to alert the very light sleeper still laying down. Megatron groaned and immediately awoke, optics moving to look at the disturbance to his slumber.

"What are you doing?" It sounded more of a statement than a question. You quickly turned to meet red optics staring at your dazed ones.

"What?" You honestly didn't know what to say as you thought about how screwed you were. And then you just lost it.

"Sir, I promise you this isn't what it looks like! It was most likely Knockout, he probably put me in here as a joke and I swear to you my lord, I didn't have any plans or intentions of being in here and-" you ranted on and on.

Megatron waved it off, almost as if trying to stop you from talking. "What? I laid you here, femme."

That shut you right up. Looking as if a "why?" was coming next from you, the warlord spoke right back up.

"I was the one that saved you. I called off the fight and got you patched up, and even let you lay in my berth to rest. So what are you doing standing up still?"

Without a word you quickly got back into the berth when you seen that's what he wanted. Your spark started to beat faster as he advanced closer.

"I'm just an ordinary Decepticon, my lord. I don't think I should have the privilege of laying here in such royalty. I'm very thankful of your rescue, and now I'll take my leave. I feel better, pain wise." You panted, holding your beating chassis from exploding at the seams as his servo slipped to cuff your thigh underneath the sheet.

"It's not everyday I extend myself to a femme like yourself, and to your advantage, I'm just dying to know you better." He spoke in such confidence that you lacked.

He scratched his chin. "Seems to me a debt is owned. A trade, a favor for a favor as you'd put it. I saved your spark, that's a pretty 'big' favor if you ask me."

You gulped as he pinched.

"My lord, are you suggesting-"

"Yes" was all he said as he got in top of me, pinning my arms down to his berth. "You do agree to help me, right?"

"Of course." You say to your leader, not like you had many options to choose from. For a while you've looked at him with pure astonishment to his complexion, but never did you think a simple Decepticon like yourself would wind up below your majesty like this.

"Excellent." He started by biting your neckcables, earning a mewl from your squirming self. "I have many plans for you, but I'd like to tell you that I've watched from afar for a while. You've caught my
Optics, and I saved you for good reason. Not just for interface, Y/D."

The last part got you to open your optics to look at him. He was looking straight at you, smoke steaming in the air from your lord holding his weight above you.

"I want you to be my Queen, Y/D."

The simple words shocked you as a future with the warlord shuffled around your processor in a matter of seconds. It brought a smile to your faceplate before you gently kissed his cheek plating.

"I'm all in, my king." The intimacy between the two of you continued to fuel the burning passion in the sheets for the rest of the night, Megatron diving right in once you let him as you both fell to the floor in an intense intake workout.

Primus you hoped no one was around to hear you two for the evening.

- End -

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