Prime Headcanon 33

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Requested by konandbon

• This is a AU where Starscream is an Autobot! He's a fluffy boi :3
• Older sister reader! Starscream is your younger bro in this one

Starscream becomes very protective of his sister when it comes to mechs and her love life

"I...excuse me, what?"

"yes!" The excited femme danced around her younger brother. Although she was older than him, he completely towered over her like most other bots. He shook his helm, getting all mad as he marched his way to Optimus' berthroom.

"Hold on, Star where are you going?" Her blue optics held concern as she got in front of him and tried to stop his large steps.

"To talk to the big guy." 

"No, nononono Starscream you are NOT ruining my love life again. Do you remember what happened with Dyna-mite in high school and Salvato a few eons ago?"

"Of course I remember" He rolled his optics. "They weren't great mechs, You should thank me for scaring them off and saving you sparkbreak."

"Okay but this is OPTIMUS PRIME. He actually admitted his feelings to me, and I genuinely like him. Why can't you be happy for me? He's not going to hurt me, Starscream. He's a gentlemech, and a great leader."

"Yeah and that comes with a huge risk of offlining in a war he co-created. Y/D, I really just don't want you to get hurt."

Standing faceplate to faceplate with him, she pouted and crossed her arms. "Starscream, I can handle myself. I'm older, and I don't need my younger brother dictating my love life. I'm a big fem, I can handle my own and I know you're just watching out for me, but it's time to let go."

"Agh, why did it have to be Optimus himself?" He said mostly to himself, earning a frown from his sister.

"Turn your aft around, you're not going to talk me or him out of this one." Y/D said, pushing his shoulders back as he backed off. "You know how I'd kick anyone's aft that dared look at you wrong?"


"I'm your sister, Starscream. I'd do anything for you. Maybe you can be happy for me for once and not worry, okay? You have my back as I do yours."

The seeker stayed silent, processing her words little by little. With a sigh, he scooped her up and held her, hugging her tight. This made her smile as he hugged him back. In her audio receptor, he cleared his throat pipes and whispered "If he ever lays a servo on you wrong let me know. I don't care that he's our leader, about the size difference, or that I'd probably get killed fighting him, you come to me first."

She chuckled, nodding her helm. "I promise. Thank you, screamy."

He let her go, to which she walked to their leader's door down the corridor, leaving him halfway in the hallway. He sighed, watching her disappear from him. They were exceptionally close, but he had to learn to let go a little.

"Screamy, it'll be alright." Bulkhead threw his large servo on his small shoulder and shook him around a little, the seeker still staring at the closed door. "It's a part of life. Optimus is a good mech."

"Oh, I know that." Starscream said, looking at the empty hallway as the other few Autobots crowded around. "He's a great mech, and he'll definitely never hurt her. it's me who doesn't want to let her go."

"It's hard, trust me I know." Acree added, Starscream finally looking at the bots next to him. "but she's not leaving you, you know. She's always going to be here, and although her time will be split your sibling bond will always be there. Let her be happy, love is a powerful thing."

He smiled, nodding at his friends words. they were right, love really is a powerful thing.

Optimus eventually made her his sparkmate, asking for starscream's approval out of respect. He was the only part of their family she had left. Starscream of course approved, having witnessed his sister happy for many eons before Optimus even asked her to officially be his forever.

And so they got together, even birthing a new mech into this world. Starscream was incredibly happy, the mechling was so fond of his uncle that they were rarely seen without each other.

Unfortunately, some things the seeker predicted had to have come true in the distant future. Optimus' sacrifice tore her spark in two, the mech not wanting to leave his family nor his team. With a promise, Starscream would help his sister along with the team to raise their sparkling into a new, beautiful world about to be brought back. 

And as promised, Starscream did just that, helping the mech grow up and always being there to help his sister mend her sparkbroken self. A sibling's love never changes or degrades; only grows.

- End -

So sorry It's a little short! I tried >-<

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