Bayverse Headcanon 19 (NSFW)

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• Female reader :>
• Sideswipe's gonna be in his Holoform for dis one
• Sexual content ahead! It's more like a lime :3

Sideswipe is very vocal during intimacy

Ever since I brought my Playstation to the base for my midnight free time, a certain silver-haired mech developed a method of sneaking into my bedroom to play whatever game I left downloading for myself.

Catch is, he's my boyfriend.

Sideswipe fell in love with the alternate reality and colorful scenes of the games I had downloaded previously, so after the long days of training he'd come in, grab the headset, and get comfortable on my bed or the nearby beanbag chair.

This night wasn't any different, as I walked into my dark little room lit up by my tv. My boyfriend was sitting sprawled out on the bed as he looked up to the screen, microphone sprung out.

"Hey CrystalWolfX9, Watch your left, I hear gunshots." He said into the mic, blowing me a silent kiss when he seen me dump all my stuff in the corner of the room, kicking off my shoes and plopping down beside him. So I guess he indeed found that shooter game I forgot I even had.

"Hey babe" He smiled, laughter coming from the other side of the mic. "Hahahahaha, babe? Who you calling babe there $ides_swipe11?"

He huffed. "Pfft, no one. Jammtheman, are you in that building over there?" Sideswipe said, moving to let my hand that held his thigh fall back to the bed. Excuse me-

"For real?!" I said rather loudly, the mech turning away to focus on the match he started and the random people he was talking to. "Oh so I'm a no one?"

He dismissed me again with his dead stare, which made my blood boil. I was this close to yanking the chord out, but before I made a irrational decision a better idea came to my head. One more...teasing.

I knew my boyfriend was a very...vocal partner in times of intimacy, enough so that I can use this downfall to my advantage. He has no problem telling me to be quiet, so i'll give it back to him x10.

I inched over to him as he entered the lobby of the new round he started, but thankfully the same team carried over. Sides sat alert and ready for the new arena to load in as I slithered to sit behind him, my legs over his as I trapped him in my hold.

"Hun, what are you-" He cut himself off as he felt my fingers pan to his groin region, suppressing any sort of noise that threatened to fall from his mouth like usual. My hand went to crawl down into his boxers, feeling his arousal grow like magic. I chuckled.

"This'll teach you Sides, I swear to Primus you're gonna regret pretending I'm not here." I whispered, squeezing his member as he gasped.

I knew he'll break soon, he always does. In fact, Sideswipe was the most vocal partner I've been with, a blessing and a curse.

"Y/N, please." He muttered out as my hand went a little faster down on him, making him buck. "I'm sorry.'

I heard the confusion from the voices on the other side of the mic when his character wasn't doing the tasks assigned. "Sides, you good there bro?"

He ignored the voices talking to him as he ripped the headset off, moaning out as he prematurely released in my hand and quite frankly in his clothes.

But the worst part for him, besides the sticky mess he made, was hearing the loud laughter and comedic replies from the random people in the lobby.

Embarrassed, he reached over to leave the match permanently, throwing the controllers and grabbing my jaw instead, pushing me down on the bed. Serves him right.

- End -

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