Prime Headcanon 5

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Requested by the amazing fellow KO lover Angel-Sweet-Cherry

Although never a sire, life has a way to shake up things for Knockout

The red bot trotted his tired and worn-down pedes through the golden-sprinkled forrest, keeping in mind the task at hand.

"Where in the pits-" Knockout said, but stopped mid sentence as he turned around to the sound of a sharp cry for help. All of a sudden he wasn't so worried about the possible relic he was sent to find.

A foreign feeling made it's way into his senses as something he never felt kicked into gear, hearing the cry again.

"What?" He questioned out loud, looking for re-insurance of any kind. Is that what he thinks it is?

Soon he found himself running though the trees, looking for the source of the cry that started back up again.

"There's no way.." he said to himself as he threw his body through the twisting trees and leaf piles. Finally, he turned his helm to find the little sparkling femme sitting all alone under a tree, her sunset pink and orange paint practically bounced into his optics all at once. She turned her helm and stopped crying, her beautiful big tuscan shade of yellow optics latched onto his, calling out for him.

Knockout grew silent, not even the leaves under his pedes dared to crunch. His faceplates showed too many emotions at once: Awe, shock, worry, the list goes on.

He looked around for her carriers, knowing already that she was completely alone. He just trekked this whole place, he's sure he would've seen someone, but regardless he didn't know what to do at this particular moment.

But he knows that he wouldn't just leave her there. Carefully to not scare her he walked a little closer with open arms. He never really interacted with a sparkling before, so this was a new feeling for them both.

"Hey there, little one. Don't be afraid." He told her, not knowing if she could understand him or not. He felt unknown instincts of a sire start to take effect as he grew closer. The sparkling wasn't scared of him, she only wanted someone to hold and love her again, and Knockout of all bots seems like he's the one to give the gift of adoration back to her.

Finally, they made contact as he picked the scared little femme up into his arms. "Do you have a designation?"

She only looked at him, before she babbled and stuck one or two digits in her intake, looking around in the forrest. He then assumed she was too young to even speak yet.

"Who could do such a horrible thing to a cute little femme like you." Knockout said as his free servo tickled her tanks, making the sparkling giggle. He smiled.

He looked out into the forrest again, and there still was no one.
He made up his mind in a sparkbeat, the femme now was his. One look and he was in love, ready to be a sire.

This meant that there was another cybertronian on Earth, most likely a femme too. He already had a terrible disliking of whoever took care of the sparkling up until now, they truly just threw her away, knowing she was starving and couldn't last on her own. What a shame.

"I'm going to take care of you now, okay?" He said to the femme, who apparently loved the answer by wrapping her arms around him. He melted of cuteness as he tried to hold back some spare tears he's been saving up.

"It hasn't even been 30 minutes of being a sire yet and I'm crying from an adorable pose. Great."  Knockout shook his helm as the sparkling must've found him funny.

All the while he was thinking of designated names. "Stormi? No, you don't look like a stormi.." She shook her helm "no" when she seen him do the same thing. "Oo, what about Juno?" The baby sparling followed instinct and shook her helm no again.

"I suck at this don't I" Knockout said in baby talk. "Hmm, let's see..."

"What about Adelaide?" Knockout asked as he looked to her in his arms. "A pretty name for a very pretty femme." She giggled at his voice, and he took it as a sign that she liked the designation. "Adelaide it is!"

The red medic made his way out into the clearing of the woods, noting for a groundbridge as the sparkling clenched to his right bicep, his servo holding her close.

Who knew the charismatic medic would take on such a big responsibility, no matter how bad his paint was scratched or dribbled on he'll be there for her now and for the rest of forever.

- End -

Broooo now I wanna make this a short story or something XD

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