Star Perseus

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A few weeks earlier , Connie Brown had been in a secret club room at Mouseford Academy ; the witchcraft club . A club where students secretly practice witchcraft . The reason why Connie joined this club is because she is interested in occultism , she has a belief in astrology and numerology . Also , she practices cartomancy , in other words , the divinatory tarot . One full moon night , while everyone was asleep , Connie came alone into the witchcraft club room . The full moon is a good time to predict the future . That evening , she picked up three tarot cards , each of which represents the past , present , and future . She wondered about her own future . But the answer she received is a very bad omen , especially that of the card which represents the present and the future .

Connie : No way...

Since that night , she has stopped talking and spending time with Vanilla , Zoe and Alicia . After class , Vanilla had scolded her for not being with them .

Vanilla : Brown ! Why you won't be with us anymore ?!

But Connie didn't answer her she walked away without a single word .

Vanilla : Say something , Brown !

Zoe : Connie !

Alicia : Connie , please !

Locked up in her room , the young mouselet stretched out on her bed .

Connie : *sight*

Connie closed her eyes and fell asleep . Opening her eyes again , she found herself in another place , a magical place . Only stars , galaxies and nebulae . But this is not the first time that Connie has had this dream , but in fact for a long time . It is in this place that Connie sees a certain .... Star Perseus , her secret love .

Connie : Perseus .

Perseus : My beloved .

Connie : I'm glad to see you , I want tell you something very important .

Perseus : What is it ?

Connie : Several days earlier , I did a tarot ... but the answer I received predicted a bad future , and the cause would be those who are my "friends" . What does mean ?

Perseus : Despite the sad future ... You and your friends have extraordinary abilities , but your gifts are not yet awakened . As for the future ... those friends that you met them , it is now too late to avoid fate .

Connie : So what I should do ?

Perseus : I would like to help you but...we can't do anything for change the future now .

Connie : But...if this tragic destiny happens , if I'm going to die with my friends .... my biggest regret is not being able to finally meet in real life .... Star Perseus .

Connie and Perseus intertwined their paws . Perseus kisses her on the forehead of his beloved .

Perseus : We were meeting in real life...I promise .

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