A special announcement

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Octavius : This is an important day , some of you may already know that a movie crew has just arrived on Whale Island . They will be shooting the film Two Mice in the Moonlight right here at Mouseford Academy !

Loud applause erupted from the audience . The academy had many fans of the saga written by Mélanie Sourer , which is why the prospect of filming their favorite adventures with their island as a backdrop filled them with enthusiasm .

Octavius : Excuse me , but I'm not finished ! As a matter of fact , Ms. Sourer set a key scene here in our school . She drew inspiration for her novel from the beloved halls of Mouseford Academy .

The students whisper .

Colette : I didn't know that .

Nicky : Maybe the part was in one of the magazines you don't read .

Octavius : I still haven't finished ! I've called you here to tell you that you will all have the opportunity to attend the filming !

All the students were speechless after this clarification .

Octavius : Now you can clap !

Once out of the auditorium , the Thea Sisters and their friends stopped in the hallway to chat .

Tanya : It's amazing ! I can't believe Mouseford is going to be the setting for a movie !

Colette : I can't wait to talk to a real costume designer ! I have soooo many questions . Like , how do they choose the fabric and colors for the costumes , and how do they create each movie's unique style , and how do they-

Violet : Slow down , Colette ! If you talking faster , make sure you don't frighten off the costume designer , okay ?

Each of the Thea Sisters thought about the unique opportunity the shoot would give her ; Violet would have fun watching the sound engineers work , Paulina would obviously take the opportunity to find out how special effects are made , Pamela would follow the construction of the sets . So many experiences for all . However , the majority of the students were especially interested in meeting the two main performers .

Alicia : Can you believe it ? We're going to meet Dylan Ratinson in the real !

Dina : I know ! I just adore him ! I really hope we can get his autograph , take an selfie with him , or maybe he'll speak to us !

Vanilla : Right ! Dylan Ratinson is a huge movie star . There's no way he'll waste his time talking to an ordinary fan like you .

Pamela : Yeah....But I'm sure Dylan Ratinson will be happy to meet a fan like you , Dina !

The Thea Sisters then resumed chatting spiritedly . That day was just too special for Vanilla to ruin it for them .

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