What a disappointment

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Every morning , a great mayhem in the hallway leading to the student rooms . As soon as the young boarders were ready , they spread out there to chat and happily start their day . That day , however ...

Nicky : Where everybody go ?

The academy seemed to be in the deepest silence . The Thea Sisters made their way to the theather .

Paulina : Is everyone is asleep ?

Violet : The auditions will begin in an hour...Maybe everyone's getting ready .

They understood what was happening when they came into the hallway near the great hall , got up earlier , the students had rushed to the meeting place , one to participate in the trials , the others to attend the selection . Even Mae was there for the test .

Pamela : So this is where everyone is !

Nicky : Hey , isn't that the de Vissen's family assistant ? What's he doing here ?

Pamela : Well , I don't think he's here to try out .

Behind the five friends , Vanilla arrived .

Vanilla : Alan is waiting in line for me . I had no desire to wait for hours to audition . I need my beauty sleep ! I told Alan to spend the night here so I could go first .

From the end of the hall , Professor Show and the director joined the entrance to the theater .

Robert : Everyone ready ? We're about to begin !

The Thea Sisters seated themselves in the audience , just behind the jury responsible for evaluating the aspiring actresses , which consisted Charlie and Professor Show . The five friends , who had decided not to take part in the auditions , still wanted to follow them . The first to take the stage was Vanilla , accompanied by Dylan , who had volunteered to help the contestants by giving them the answer .

Robert : Okay , we can start .

Dylan : I've already made up my mind...I have to leave !

Vanilla : Where are you going to do ?

Vanilla was obviously very tense , her voice was shaking and , to hide her nervousness , she overplayed her lines , so that her character seemed worried and nervous .

Colette : Vanilla's too anxious . She's not doing her best .

Just then , to redouble the effect of her last triad , the young girl hugged her partner vigorously .

Vanilla : I'll miss you , my friend !

Pamela : I'd say she's doing her worst .

When her trial was over , Vanilla stepped off the set and headed for the door . Although she hid her disappointment behind a bright smile , she was obviously not happy with her performance . Once out of the amphitheater .

Vanilla : « I could have done better...The emotion played a trick on me and I couldn't manage to show what I'm capable of ... I have to ... maybe I have to ask for a second chance ! »

When she opened the door to enter , she saw that Dylan was talking to her , and , being careful not to make any noise , she stood there to listen .

Charlie : What do you think ?

Dylan : I don't think Vanilla is the actor we're looking for . I spent time with her , and she's a real show-off .

Vanilla : Show-off...me ?

Then she sped off before she was discovered .

Robert : de Vissen's audition wasn't good , but I think she was nervous .

Colette : Professor Show is right ! Vanilla is a good actor ! She can be a show-off , it's true...but...she is a really good actor !

The other Thea Sisters were of the same opinion . As they left the theater , Vanilla hurried to find Zoe and Alicia . She wanted to express herself to her friends by recounting the injustice she felt she had suffered .

Vanilla : If I don't get the part , it's all Ratinson's fault ! He told Cinerat not to pick me !

ZoeAlicia : What ?!

Alicia : But how did your audition go ?

Zoe : What do you mean ? Of course Vanilla was awesome ! She's the best actor in our year !

While Vanilla continued to bemoan Dylan's attitude , Connie was hiding , and, she was secretly listening to Vanilla . Connie , is furious with Dylan's behavior . The auditions continued , when Mae was finished her essay , it was Connie's turn , even before the Jupiterian reached the door , Connie entered the theater , looking angry , pushing Mae without apologizing .

Mae : Hey !

Pamela : What's up with Brown ?

Nicky : She looks madder than before .

Connie took the stage , but without the slightest intention of playing Emmy . And , as soon as Dylan had said his first line , Connie yelled at him .

Connie : You are nothing but a spoiled snooty motherfucker !

Dylan : What ?

Connie : Don't pretend ! I'm starting to get tired with you seeing you dragged around harassing me and talking about your dirty movies ! But to see you behave towards others and my comrades is now to much for me ! I don't want to see you everywhere I go anymore !!

The Thea Sisters looked at each other in shock , including Mae . She didn't think Dylan deserved to be treated that way . That's why , she doesn't like Connie . She ran to the door .

Kiki : I don't understand . Why is Connie so upset ?

Colette watched Connie carefully as she left the room . Beyond her furious expression , her eyes were veiled with sadness .

Colette : I don't think she's angry...I think she's disappointed . You know what ? I think she actually cares about Dylan , and she's upset about the way he talking about Vanilla .

Despite his attempts , Dylan hadn't managed to get a word out during these moments . Then...

Dylan : I can't do this anymore !

Dylan walked to the door .

Charlie : What do you mean ?! Come back here right away ! We need you ! Dylan !

Dylan wasn't listening , he left the theater .

Nicky : Girls , are you thinking what I'm thinking ?

Colette : We got to help !

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