Chapter 24

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Youngji's POV

Today was the day when we go to the Idol Star Athletics Competition 2015. My first time I ever got to compete there and Got7 is going to be there.

"Youngji, let's go!" Gyuri-unnie said.

"Ok." I said when I grabbed my phone.

"How do you feel that you are going to compete in the ISAC 2015?" Hara-unnie asked me.

"The what?" I felt confused at the word ISAC.

"The Idol Star Athletic Competition." Seungyeon translated for me.

"Ah, I feel excited!" I said I smiled hard.

"I guess you are our happy virus." Gyuri-unnie pointed out.

"I am." I said.


We were about to go outside to see the audience and the arena where we would compete in.

"Here is Team D!" The MCs called out. That is us. We walked out wit Rainbow and A-JAX sunbaenims.

There was the JYP team, Team J. Jackson was happy and hyped, then I saw him look at me smiling. I smiled back.


I was the other team representative to run in the 60m track and in the high jump.

For the 60m track, I kinda lost balance and I fell and made Hyuna-sunbaenim also fall.

"I am so sorry." I told Hyuna.

"I'm okay." She told me back.

"No, I'm really sorry for doing that." I told her again. Jackson ran up to me looking worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked me in his worried voice.

"I'm fine, dude." I said smiling that cheered him up. The other members ran towards us.

"Are you fine?" They asked.

"I'm okay, don't worry." I said with that same smile. We basically just talked and told jokes.

Now it was the guy's track turn. The Baton Toss. Jackson was involved in this one. He slipped, I was worried if he hurted himself.

"Are you okay?" I ran up to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said not fine.

"Are you really?" I asked once more.

"Yes, really." He said as his final answer. I returned back to the unnies, but I stared at him making sure he was okay.


It was time for the high jump. It made me nervous after that accident on the track, wonder if I would face plant in front of the idols.

"Now, it's Team D, Kara's Youngji turn!" The MC said. I ran and did a front flip and landed without making the bar fall. I succeeded this time.

It was my turn once again. I went and as excepted I face planted instead. I turned around and saw Jackson giving me a thumbs up. It brightened my day even more.

The winner was obviously not us, but I didn't remember who had won. The most important thing was that he was there.

i wonder how got7 felt with young surrounding them at the idol star athletic comp

More Than Friends?! (GOT7's Jackson and KARA's Youngji fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now