Chapter 25

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No one's POV

Today was the day when Got7 and Youngji's class to graduate. Youngji was excited and Jackson on the other hand was sort of happy.

Kara went to the school and supported Youngji, while Got7 was graduating together as a whole. Everyone was outside waiting for the idols especially Got7.

"Are you ready to graduate?" Jackson asked Youngji in the classroom.

"Kinda, are you?" She asked back.

"Nope." Jackson said his pouting lips.

"Why?" Youngji asked.

"Because this the most place where we spent our time at and plus this is where we met." He said out the window that was full of fans.

"Dude, stop being such a girl. Man up!" Youngji said hitting his arm.

"Okay, everyone lets go to the auditorium now!" The teacher told them. Youngji and Jackson sat next to eachother as usual.


(10 years later)

"Today is the day when Kara's maknae, Youngji gets married to Got7's Jackson. We hope they live a happy married life." The anchor said on the news before Youngji turned the tv off.

"Today is the day." Youngji said repeatedly. Today was the day when she finally got married to her love, Jackson.

"Youngji! You look beautiful!" Kara said coming into the room as bridesmaids.

"I can't believe I our maknae is the first to get married before all of us." Gyuri said.

"I can't believe it too." Seungyeon said with envy.

"By the time we all get married, you'll be the one with kids." Hara said making everyone laugh.

"That is not going to happen anytime soon!" Youngji said.

"Who knows it will happen next year." Gyuri said making everyone laugh some more.

"No!" Youngji said screaming.

"Okay, it's a joke." Seungyeon said calming down Youngji.

"Maybe we rushed things and that we shouldn't get married." Youngji said breathing hard.

"No, no. You guys been together of like almost 11 years now. Don't have such thoughts in your head." Hara said sitting next to Youngji calming her.


A scream was heard from outside the room that Youngji and the bridesmaid were from.

"A scream, she is changing her mind about this?" Jackson said pacing back and forth worried about Youngji.

"Never dude, it's Youngji, she's probably screaming over a joke or something little." Mark comforted Jackson. Mark was Jackson's best man while others were his groomsmen.

"Probably. BamBam, Yugyeom can I trust you make sure that everything is alright in there?" Yugyeom and BamBam turned around from the food as Jackson started talking.

"Of course hyung, it's us." BamBam said while pulling Yugyeom with him.

"But I don't want to go!" Yugyeom complained.

"You are freakin coming me or else I'll eat your food." BamBam threatened Yugyeom.

"Okay, okay." He walking with BamBam.

"You would really trust those two people." Mark said with a straight face.

"They were closest to the door." Jackson should shrugging his shoulders.

"Is everything alright? Jackson-hyung is making sure from that scream we heard." BamBam said while rushing into the room.

"Yes, everything is alright!" Gyuri said.

"Woah, noona, you fantastic!" BamBam said amazed. "I betcha Jackson-hyung will be suprised and amazed on how beautiful you look."

BamBam turned and looked at Yugyeom. His mouth was wide opened and drool was about to fall until BamBam closed his mouth.

"Oh and plus with a person like hyung, you would make a GREAT wife." Yugyeom pointed out.

"Leave, you guys spoiled the view of the dress." The girls said shooing off the two boys.

"See, they said you shouldn't break this marriage and plus you would make a GREAT wife." Hara said pointing out the exact words that Yugyeom said.


"Soo?" Jackson asked curiously.

"So, what?" Yugyeom said with his straight face with his curtain bangs covering his eyes.

BamBam pushed Yugyeom aside and told the information like a spy.

"Everything fine and plus you will be suprised on the way she looks." BamBam said nodding his head.

"It's time." Jackson said standing straight for his soon-to-be wife while Mark pushed BamBam to the back.

The music played and Youngji came out looking her best with a white puffy Cinderella dress. Jackson couldn't stare at her like everyone else, he smiled at her like any other day.


"Do you, Jackson Wang take Heo Youngii as your wife?" The person that always says that said.

"I Do!" Jackson said with confidence.

"And you, Heo Youngji take Jackson Wang as your husband?" The person that always says that said.

"I Do!" She said smiling at her new husband.

"You may kiss the bride." He said to Jackson. Jackson leaned in and kissed Youngji passionately while the audience applause the two.

After everything was finished, the two walked down the aisle while everyone screamed and applauded the two that were headed to the vehicle that lead to their honeymoon.

actually there's more to the story.

As Gyuri predicted the couple did have their first child who is now 4 years old named Wang Jieun and they also have a son who is 2 years old named Wang Jihoon. Park Jinyoung also known as JYP is basically the kids' godfather because Jackson thought of Jinyoung as his Korean father. Got7 still stayed together and are still standing, Youngji went on hiatus due to the kids. Most of Got7 got married and some stayed lonely, but importantly the couple always stayed happily ever after.



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