Chapter 23

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Jackson's POV

"Today is the day when I finally meet the Kara-noonas!" I said waking up the members.

"What's your problem?" Mark asked me.

"Today is the day when I get to meet the Kara-noonas!" I said enthusically to Mark while getting ready.

I called Youngji on where to meet her, so she could take me to her dorm.

"Go to the cafe where we always go." Youngji texted me.

"Okay!" I texted happily. I was basically hype just to meet the noonas. Not just any noonas, THE Kara-noonas. I reached the cafe that we always go and saw Youngji there waiting for me.

"Someone is a little enthusiastic today." Youngji pointed out my happiness.

"Just a little. Did you wait long?" I asked worrying about her.

"Seems like a lot and nope, gir here like 2 minutes before you." She said handing me my favorite drink that I usually order.

"Seems like today is your lucky day." She said as we left the cafe.

"I know right." I said smiling so hard.


We arrived at the dorm, but before we entered Youngji showed me a picture of me sleeping in the background.

"When did you take this?" I asked her.

"Earlier, when you were sleeping in the car." She said mischievous.

"Ah. No wonder." I said fake smiling.

"Let's go in now." Youngji sis dad she opened the door.

"Ah, hi Youngji and Jackson." Seungyeon-noona greeted us letting us into the dorm.

"Hello." I greeted back. Youngji leaded me to the to the living room where everyone was basically gathered.

"Why don't you give your special greeting for them." Youngji suggested.

"Ohh." I said as I forgot that I greet with my flip.

"Hello, my name is Jackson from Got7. Treat me well." I said before I flipped. Everyone was startled except for Youngji who known what was happening.

"Woah that was awesome." Hara-noona said that make me shy.

"Oh, Hara-unnie, Jackson likes you the best." Youngji pointed what I said earlier in the year when we started dating.

"Oh, really I feel honored." She said as she smiled. She smiled like an angel.

"Since a guest is here lets cook him a meal." Gyuri-noona suggested.

"Okay!" Seungyeon-noona said while getting up.

"Youngji, how about you give him a tour of the dorm while we cook." Hara-noona said.

"Sure. Lets go to the rooms first." Youngji said as she pulled me up.


"I will enjoy this meal." I said before I ate. I took one bite of the meat they cooked and it was delicious.

"So how is it?" Gyuri-noona asked me. "What would it be out of 5 stars?"

"10 out of 5 stars." I said putting up 10 fingers. We ate and laughed as we were a big family.


"Come visit again!" Hara-noona said before I left.

"I'll see you again tomorrow." I said giving Youngji a hug.

"Okay. Get home safe." Youngji said as she closed the door.


"Dude, how was it?" Mark said before I went asleep.

"It was awesome, we had meat and they gave a tour and we also --" I said before I got interrupted by Mark's snoring.

"Good night to you too." I said as I snuggled into my blanket or shall I say Mark's blanket that I borrowed.


cutie youngji with cute sleeping jackson :')))

More Than Friends?! (GOT7's Jackson and KARA's Youngji fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now