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"So tomorrow, we'll be heading to the hunting house and taking over it."


"You think we'll encounter any large swarm of zombies?"

"Nah, shouldn't be as bad as the mall."

"You never know."

"Just don't jinx it, dude."

Everyone packed their backpacks for the upcoming expedition outside. I guess the word "rest" or "break" didn't come to anyone in mind, as yesterday was the day we just came back.

"Y/n?" Bachira calling my name snapped me out of my daze. "You're spacing out again."

"I know... Bachira... You're driving again, right? Could we... go to my house for a bit tomorrow?" I asked reluctantly. I knew I was somewhat changing the plan, but I felt an urge to return home.

"Sure. Sit in the passenger seat and give me instructions, okay?" He smiled.

"Mhm. Thank you."

That night, I actually managed to get a good sleep. The morning was peaceful, too, the sunshine pouring in through the house's window. It lit up the room, warming all the colors.

Chigiri, Kunigami, Tokimitsu, Igarashi, and Gagamaru would be staying behind this time, taking over the duty of watching the house while the rest of we're out and gone.

"Everyone ready or what?" Raichi asked impatiently. Groans and sighs could be heard due to how we all wanted more sleep, but we got in the car anyway.

"Why are we stopping?" The boys asked as the car slowed down.

"Y/n-chan wanted to visit her house for a bit," Bachira said. "I changed the clock's time, we actually have a good 30 minutes before the plan starts, so if you think it's 9:30 AM right now, it's 9 AM. We still have time. Hehe."

"Why'd you do that?!" Raichi yelled.

"I can do that if I want to," Bachira replied.

"Thanks, Bachira. I'm going inside now." I stepped out of the car and slammed the door. The furious autumn wind howled and blew my hair in its breeze. I shivered in coldness as I approached the front door of my house.

I remember the pattern of this specific door so well, yet it makes me feel so nostalgic when I know it hasn't been that long. I caught myself tracing my finger on its pattern, but reminded myself of the time limit I had on me, so I mustered up my courage and stepped inside.

With my hands in the pocket of my hoodie, I walked around. I spotted my Dad's corpse, but I ignored it and continued. I didn't come here for a good reason. Our house didn't have weapons, or good security against zombies in a zombie apocalypse. I just wanted to take a trip down memory lane.

I started off by entering the living room. Here, I would watch movies with my family, and the dining table was also located here, so family dinners came to mind, too. This part of the house was just the casual family area.

Next was the kitchen. Mom baked a lot of desserts in here, such as cupcakes, cakes, and pies. Dad also cooked in here, and my nose could smell the faintest smell of his signature steak he would often cook for rare dinner occasions.

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑 (𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑)Where stories live. Discover now