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Isagi's POV

"It's definitely suicide," Bachira said, smiling as he looked up at the deserted mall in front of us. The cloudy, gray sky just made the whole scene look even more abandoned and apocalyptic.

"But a mall has bedding, clothing, batteries, and even cell phones. It has the things we need," I explained, trying to convince everyone that we should go inside.

"We have weapons anyway. It's not like we can't fight."

"Crowded areas will have more zombies. Bad decision," y/n said and turned around to head back in the car.

I grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Y/n. You're the only girl out of all of us so I'm sure there's some other things you need too. Take... pads as an example."

"You - Let go," she said, giving me an embarrassed kind of look. I smiled at how I was able to persuade her quite easily.

Shidou grabbed a bat, y/n grabbed her axe, Kunigami grabbed a crowbar, and Bachira took out his knife.

"Let's head inside," I said.

"Yikes, this place is trash." Shidou whistled.

"Only 4 of us have a weapon, and there's 8 of us, so let's all pair up with someone," I suggested.

"I'll go with Kunigami." Chigiri stood next to the orange haired.

"And I'll go with Bachira," Nagi said.

"I'm going with y/n. So Rin - "



"Rin do you want to pair up with me then?" Y/n asked.

"I don't want to pair up with anyone," he said.

I felt stressed. Their fighting drives me nuts...

"Can you 2 please... just please... go with each other? You don't have to stand right next to the other, just stay close together," I sighed.

"Fine," Shidou said and I sort of beamed at his response. I didn't expect him to go along with it. "I'm wasting time here so Eyelashes, just come with me."

"My name isn't -"

"OK, let's all split up and get some supplies. Keep a sharp eye out for zombies," Chigiri said. "And stay with your partner!"

The others went off inside stores and to the second and third floors. I watched as Shidou and Rin glared at each other, social distancing by standing 6 feet apart. Soon they'll be arguing.

"Let's go get clothes from that big clothing store first," y/n said, pointing straight ahead. I nodded and we headed over to that store first.

The store was big and wide, and separated into 2 sections: women's and men's.

Y/n started looking around and entered the girls' section, and I felt quite uncomfortable as I saw women's bras and whatnot. I then saw a sign that said "Menstrual Panties" and wanted to bury myself. But I can't separate myself from y/n as she has the axe right now...

She picked out an Adidas t-shirt with the logo on it and didn't say a word. I noticed Rin and Shidou up ahead in the men's section and they were not sticking close together.

Rin went off to a manga stand near us and Shidou noticed me and waved, then disappeared where I could no longer see him.

"That's a really good underrated manga," y/n said, peeking at the manga copy in Rin's hand.

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑 (𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑)Where stories live. Discover now