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"RAICHI!! DID YOU SET US UP?!" Shidou yelled, pulling the collar of Raichi's jacket. He had finally lost his cool.




"WE CAME TO THIS PLACE FOR NOTHING, DAMMIT!!" Shidou huffed, letting go of Raichi's jacket in frustration.

We were all frustrated too, but I believed Raichi. He wasn't setting us up, because he was 100% confident that the weapons were here. Someone must've... stolen them. That's my guess.

"Let's just get out of here and go back," Rin stood up, heading toward the door. He opened it a crack to peek outside, then stepped out. "Coast is clear. Come on, we have to hurry."

All of us exited the apartment, Raichi locking the door. He looked really sad, upset that he had let us down. As much as I hated him, I felt bad.

Putting a hand on his shoulder, I spoke. "It's okay, Raichi. Maybe someone stole them."

Raichi opened his mouth to probably tell me to piss off, but was cut off when we noticed 4 zombies at our right.

"To the left!!"

"Those with weapons, get ready and prepare yourselves!!"

As we ran to the left, we saw a big silhouette of some creature. Is that... is that a zombie?! IT'S HUGE!

"I-I don't think this is good..."

2 zombies from the right charged at us. What I've been able to figure out is that there are different types of zombies, mainly 2 types: slow and fast. I don't know what determines their speed, but this situation was either going to be messy or disastrous.

Shidou took out the 2, deciding to stay in his place instead of going after the other 2. "Look at that big titan over there," he panted. "Is today gonna be our last day alive?"

The huge zombie monster noticed us, immediately bolting to where we were. It was so big and heavy that the ground seemed to shake with every step it took.

"Bachira, give me your knife," I said. "I'll slash its Achilles' tendon."

Just by looking at his face, I could tell Bachira didn't like this idea, but it was the only solution I could think of. Shidou had to guard us from the right, and my axe won't be that useful to swing when we have an almost 3 meter tall zombie monster charging towards us from our left.

My grip on my knife wasn't even that secure. I was shaking like crazy. But if I don't do something, then I'll put the others in danger. I told myself I'll sacrifice my own life if it means I can save them.


The door next to me aggressively swung open, a boy with round spectacle glasses pulling my arm to drag me inside the apartment. The others hesitantly followed after me, coming into the apartment as well. The boy shut the door as soon as we entered, then moved on to trying to push a fridge to block the door as pounds were heard from the other end.

"A little help here?!"

Nagi, Raichi, and Isagi reacted and helped push the fridge in front of the door, barricading it.

"Why'd you bring them in, Yukimiya?!" A boy with dark blue hair yelled.

"It's my apartment, okay?!"

"Thank you!" Isagi was the first to bow, all of us then doing the same.

"I finally get my thank you... You're welcome," Yukimiya smiled, running his hand through his hair. "Oh and you." He looked at me. "Sorry if I grabbed your arm harshly earlier. I was panicking."

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑 (𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑)Where stories live. Discover now