Chapter 5

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"I work for the President, the President of South Korea." He said.

"Isn't he dead?" I asked unfazed.

"You and I both know he's alive, thanks to you."


"Stay here" Marc ordered as I nodded.

He entered the President's office, while I stood on guard outside.

A few minutes later, a heated argument could be heard from the inside. I tried to listen to what they were saying but suddenly it went silent.

The door knob twisted slowly revealing Marc, behind him laid an unconscious President.

He slowly made his way towards me, his suit had tiny drops of blood.

"You know what to do."

The only five words that left his mouth before walking away.

I sighed before dragging the unconscious President's body outside and laid on the back of the car. I tied his hands just in case he'll run away.

I turned on the car and drove through the city. I took shortcuts in order to avoid the traffic cams. Soon I was driving through the country side before taking a left turn which led to a hill with a lake at the bottom.

I turned off the car and checked if he was conscious.

He was still knocked out and so I took his body out and dragged him to the edge of the hill.

I took out my gun and pointed it at the empty space next to him, before pulling the trigger.

He jerked awake and slowly stood up fazed, with evident fear in his eyes.

"P-please don't do this!" He pleaded, his body was shaking as he was getting close to fall from the edge.

"The lake isn't that deep, follow the current and return when the time is right." I said as he had a confused expression, but soon he understood what I meant.

He mouthed a quick 'thank you' before he jumped down to the lake. I put the gun back on my holster and drove back to Marc's office.

"Did you take care of it? " He questions me as soon as I step foot inside.

I nodded in response.

Marc wasn't just a cold blooded killer, he was a power hungry person with a god complex. Everyday I had the urge to punch his hideous face, but I knew it would have no effect on him.

I'm his little puppet.

But the good thing of being the puppet, is that I can cut off the strings anytime.


"How is he?" I asked putting down the gun.

"He's good, alive and kicking." He responded shortly.

"He's ready isn't he?" I questioned while slowly sitting back down.

"Yes, and he wants you to join him." He replied still tied up to the chair.

"No, thank you. I would rather sit back and watch." I answered, putting both of my hands behind my neck and closing my eyes.

"If you help him, he'll give you your life back." He suddenly offered a proposition.

"But it turned to forever" Mina x Fem. reader ffWhere stories live. Discover now