Chapter 10

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APRIL 10,2021

I was walking down the streets, using every possible shortcut to get to the warehouse as soon as possible.

I received an urgent call from the President, to which I immediately set off to the warehouse.

I turned left and headed inside the woods, counting 30 steps straight and 25 steps to the right before the warehouse came into view.

I opened the metal door, before pulling of my hood. I proceeded to a room where a light bulb was lit.

I knocked three times before entering.

"Take a seat." The president said while gesturing to the chair in front of me. I nodded and sat down.

"Look we don't have enough time so listen closely to what I will say." He stared at me intently.

"I have proof and enough evidence to send him to jail for good. But he knows that you've been helping me." I sighed and slumped back to the seat.

"Then I'm as good as a dead." I said.

"Not at all I promised you that you'll get your life back, and I never break my promises." He said. I stared at him for a few seconds before looking away.

"So what do I do?" I asked.

"Since he knows about you he'll be taking you to the cliff besude the river. He'll probably kill you for betraying him."

"Later around 9pm he'll be sending men to take you there. If you can fight them off, fight them off. If you can escape, then do it. But if you can't then don't worry. Knowing Marc, and how brutal and a psycho he can be..... He'll give you hell once he sees you." He said which made me roll my eyes.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." I replied with a sarcastic tone.

He raised an eyebrow which made me look away from his gaze.

"Respectfully, sir." I said as I cleared my throat, still avoiding his soul piercing gaze.

"You need to hold out, until you get to the cliff. Whatever he does to you, he might use a gun or knife, beat him to it. Jump first to the river, he'll assume that you'll be dead. You'll pass out from the fall but I will send Jungwoo and others to quietly get you to hospital." I quietly took in what he said, while etching it on my mind.

But a question came across while I was thinking.

"Won't I get any brain damage or amnesia from the fall?" I asked.

He proceeded to pull something out of his jacket pocket, an injection with a light orange serum inside. He placed it in the middle of the table.

"This will be injected to you before you get to the hospital. Although it's still under clinical trial, this serum had numerous successes."
I took the serum and inspected it.

"What does it do?" I asked.

"It's a serum developed to help gain memories especially patients with amnesia a lot faster. The serum effect can be set but it depends on the dosage. We'll set it to 12 hours, assuming you'll be out of surgery. But if you do remember everything then you'll feel high as the sky."
I nodded as I placed the injection back at its place.

"Is that all?" I said as I stood uo fixing my hood.

"There's one more thing. When you wake up, even if you remember everything. Pretend that you can't, so that Marc won't be in a rush to find you. I'll send someone to pick you up in case I need to meet you." He said and I nodded.

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