Chapter 14

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"I know that I may be asking a lot, but please help me this one last time." The President, Jae-in said while bowing to the rest of the alpha team.

"Sir, you don't have to ask for our help. Our loyalty is on you, and with that our lives. We will do anything you tell us to do, even if that will cost our lives." Y/N stated loud and clear for him to hear.

The other staff at JYP started to go out of their hiding places, and their jaws dropped down to the ground to see the presumed dead President standing, very much well and alive.

On the other hand, Alpha team placed their fist onto their heart. Before shouting out loud the pledge they took, before entering their specified team.

"We pledge to serve our country, no matter the threat, no matter the danger. We will never back down, but as protectors of the nation we will fight even if it costs us our lives!!!" It echoed throughout the building, while those who knew Y/N wondered how she became a part of something honorable yet so dangerous.

The words that they had just shouted out, had so much determination and sincerity that the President felt how much they meant those words.

As President, he had heard those words countless of times from soldiers, policemen and many more. But not even once had those words made such a huge impact on him, until now.

It was until, he met these five loyal soldiers. These five soldiers, from different races yet these soldiers had much more determination and loyalty than any other person he had come across. It was until these five soldiers, yelled the pledge with all their hearts that he understood the real meaning behind those words.

Jae-in, the President couldn't help but give a warm smile to the five people standing in front of him.

"That's enough now, we have a war to prepare for."

"Yes, sir!"


"Wait they're gonna attack here? The battlefield will be here at JYP?" Shun asked while pointing to a certain area of the map.

Right now Alpha team, Jae-in were using the office of JYP, when the President asked if he could lend them a room JYP gladly lended them his office.

"Unfortunately, yes. Since we're taking shelter here and knowing we have limited supplies they'll most likely ambush the building. It's the most logical move for them to make, to attack the enemy when the enemy is at its weakest. That's what I taught him" Jae-in said with a sigh.

"But how can we stand a chance against an army of ruthless mercenaries?" Marco asked. Jae-in chuckled before answering.

"Don't worry, we'll have our own army soon." He said into which they nodded.

On the other room, all the staff were seated inside the auditorium, as per request of Y/N to avoid witnessing the bloodbath that was about to take place.

Twice, G/N, along with Irene and Mike were seated next to each other.

"Nayeon unnie......" The penguin finally spoke after a long silence. Nayeon immediately came to Mina's side while tucking in the strands of the younger girl's hair.

Nayeon knew what Mina was about to say, especially since Mina witnessed it with her own two eyes how Nayeon screamed and punched a clearly injured Y/N. Nayeon knew she'll probably be blamed and get a scolding from Mina.

The other members especially the two members of the J-line were also surprised to hear Mina speak after hours of being in her own world, seemingly dazed and confused.

"Thank you." The older girl had to blink twice to make sure she heard it right. Mina just chuckled at her unnie's reaction.

"Why would you thank me Mina yah? I punched your fiancé and said some hurtful things.. Shouldn't you be mad at me right now?" Nayeon said. Mina chuckled once more.

"I am mad at you." Mina replied which made Nayeon lower her head.

"You said those things when you don't even know her side of the story." Mina sighed.

"But shouldn't you be mad for all the pain that she had caused you?" Nayeon asked her voice lower than usual.

Mina sighed once more before staring off to the empty stage, a single light bulb illuminating the area.

"I know, I should be. But, I know she has her own reasons."

By this time Twice, G/N, along the two siblings were all listening in the conversation.

"What reasons?" Curiosity finally took over Irene. Of course, who wouldn't want to know the reason why?

For a moment, Mina was startled at the sudden intrusion of Irene. But she understood why Irene wouod want to know.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. But I do know that it slowly ripped her apart, it tore her body piece by piece. That it left her numb and broken." Mina said. While the others pictured different vivid things which made them almost throw up. But some, understood what the girl meant.

Mina turned her attention to the door opening, she saw a small peek of Y/N. Standing while drawing something on a map. She saw how she smiles, and how she acts as if everything is okay. Just from those thoughts, Mina couldn't help but reminisce the times where she nearly fell inside the dark abyss. But Y/N was there to catch her, Y/N was even ready to jump with her.

"How do you know?" Chaeyoung immediately got smacks for asking a question that may be sensitive for the penguin.

The penguin just laughed bitterly which took the other's attention.

"Because I know how it feels chaengie. I tried to jump off a building remember?"

"Ah, our reinforcements have arrived." Jae-in the President said as multiple shadows emerged from the entrance. But one caught Y/N's attention and instantly widened her eyes.

"Moonbyul?!" Y/N yelled in shock. Moonbyul only gave the younger girl a smirk as they gave a quick fist bump and a hug.

But their moment was interrupted when the ground started to shake.




"Come now my dear soldiers, the war has begun."


HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those matter don’t mind.” —Dr. Seuss

Hope ya'll enjoyed!!



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