Chapter 3

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Chet Watakeekul

Goldie jumped off the bed as I began to stir. I turned to the side and reached for my phone. It was 5:46 a.m. I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Goldie wagged her tail happily as she watched me. When I didn't move right away, she placed her head on my knee. I ran my hand along the top of her furry head. Her tail wagged more vigorously.

I got up, went to the bathroom and then changed into jogging pants, a t-shirt and my running jacket. Goldie paced by the bedroom door knowing what was coming. I paused as I looked at my sleeping Vincent. I couldn't help the small smile that came to my lips. I almost hated to wake him.

I went to him and gently shook his shoulder. "Vincent," I said. He grumbled and rolled onto his side away from me. "It's time to go jogging," I said.

He groaned and said in a hoarse voice. "Let me skip today."

I thought about telling him that he was the one who told me to insist I take him with me even on the days he didn't want to go. But he seemed really tired so instead I said, "Okay."

I went to the door where Goldie had patiently been waiting. She sprang to her feet when she saw me approach.

"No, wait," Vincent said as he rolled onto his back and blinked tiredly at the ceiling. "I'm coming." He rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom.

I led Goldie out from the bedroom. I put on my socks and running shoes before I put her leash on her. Vincent came out of the bedroom dressed for the jog, but still looking tired. "Let's go," he said.

We left the apartment and went to a nearby outdoor track that allowed dogs. Vincent kept pace with me for the first lap but after that began to trail behind. Goldie ran with me for a while until I thought it might be getting too hard for her, then I passed her along to Vincent as I lapped him. Vincent and Goldie stopped running before I did. They walked a few laps for a cool down and then waited for me by the gate. I finished my laps and joined them.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Vincent asked me on our way home.

I thought about it for a few moments and then said, "An omelet."

He smiled. "Omelet it is then," he said.

When we got home, he showered first. I waited before I fed Goldie much to her disappointment, but it was our morning routine. When enough time had passed and she was well rested, I fed her. One of us usually watched Goldie while she ate just to make sure she didn't get GDV. We gave her smaller portions of food three times a day instead of one large meal and we made sure she didn't eat too fast or drink too much after. When she was through eating she came up to me wagging her tail. I scratched her behind her ears and she curled her head more into my hand.

"Are you happy, Goldie?" I asked.

She gave a little bark and had a big grin on her dog face.

"Good," I said.

I went into the shower when Vincent came out. When I finished the shower, I could smell the omelets cooking. It was ready for me as well as a glass of orange juice when I came into the kitchen. "You're the best boyfriend," I said.

Vincent smiled and sat across from me at the table to eat the omelet he had made for himself. Goldie sprawled out on the floor nearby. Her eyes darted to us every once in a while hoping we might give her a small bite of omelet.

"Should we take something to your parents today?" Vincent asked.

"Like what? My dad's cooking right? Not my mom. So we should be fine food wise."

From My  Love to My Life (MXM) (sequel to From My Enemy to My Love)Where stories live. Discover now