Chapter 22

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Vincent Kinsington

The alarm on Chet's phone went off startling me awake. Chet usually was fast at turning off his alarm, but he didn't move. Didn't even stir. I waited a moment until it was obvious he wasn't waking up, then I reached across him, picked up his phone and turned off his alarm. He didn't move through all of this. It was unusual for him, but not unheard of. I settled back on the bed on my side. His back was against my chest and I slid an arm over his side. I promptly fell back asleep.

I woke up some time later with Goldie desperately nudging my arm with her nose telling me she had to go out. When I got out of bed, I paused to look at Chet. He remained unmoving, his breath steady and deep as he slept. Goldie pawed at the door.

"I'm coming," I whispered to her. I quickly got dressed and opened the bedroom door. She rushed out and ran through the hall disappearing into the living room.

"Good morning," Antonio greeted me from where he sat at the table.

"Good morning," I replied.

My dad was in the kitchen taking out a frying pan. "I'm making breakfast," he said. "You like pancakes, right?"

"Who doesn't?" I said.

Goldie whined by the door. "I've got to take her out," I said. "I'll be back in a minute."

I put the leash on Goldie and took her on the elevator down to the main floor where the concierge greeted us. "Good morning," I replied to him. Goldie didn't even go to him to be petted before she was pulling me towards the doors to the outside. We had slept in too long and now she was desperate to go relieve herself. As soon as we were outside, she stepped off the sidewalk and onto the grass where she did her business. I led her to the doggie area afterward where she ran around happily with the other dogs that were out there. A few of the owners there congratulated me so news must have already spread about me and Chet getting married.

When Goldie and I got back to the apartment, the smell of cooking bacon immediately hit me and made my stomach growl. Now that Goldie wasn't desperate to go to the bathroom, she rushed to Antonio. He slid his hand over her head as she wagged her tail happily. Then she went into the kitchen and rubbed up against Dean's legs like a cat would.

"Good morning, Goldie," Dean said. "Are you hungry?"

She barked in response.

"Good," Dean said. "I'm making extra bacon and eggs so you can have some."

Her tail started wagging fervently at this.

"Goldie," I said. Her head turned to look at me, but she did not leave Dean's side. "Come here," I said. "He doesn't want you underfoot."

She didn't obey right away, but when I patted my leg she slowly left Dean to come to me.

"Is Chet still asleep?" Dean asked.

"He was when I left," I said.

"I've never seen him sleep in before," Antonio said. "He must be really worn out." And then he gave me a look that told me he knew exactly what Chet and I had been up to last night that would have worn Chet out. Blood rushed to my cheeks as I blushed.

"It's rare that he sleeps in," I said, "but it does happen sometimes."

"I see," Anotnio said, but the glint in his eyes was too knowing.

"How do you want your eggs?" Dean asked me.

"Whatever's easiest," I said.

He frowned and turned fully towards me temporarily ignoring the frying pan.

From My  Love to My Life (MXM) (sequel to From My Enemy to My Love)Where stories live. Discover now