Chapter 6 New Town

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Shigaraki and Touya rode on top of the train for several hours which seemed to go by fast to Shigaraki. It had been morning when they'd left the train station now the sky was dark night had fallen. The stars were out Shigaraki lay by Touya's side watching them as the train continued to move. Shigaraki felt a peace he hadn't felt for a long time not since his father had gotten crueler after his mother's disappearance. Shigaraki let out a relaxed sigh as the night's breeze blew around them cooling him down the night was hot Summer was rapidly approaching. Shigaraki wondered if anyone in his hometown would miss him probably not. The only one who might be is his best friend Toga he was sure she'd miss him but she would understand why he left. The two had bonded because everyone thought they were weird just because of their appearances. Shigaraki and her had stuck out elementary, jr. high, and high school one day if he'd stayed. Shigaraki looked over to the black-haired teen beside him he wondered if anybody would miss Touya. He guessed Touya didn't have a very good home life if he was leaving this easily. Shigaraki wondered what had caused him to leave home best to mind his own business so he didn't ask.

"Ain't this nice?" Touya asked Shigaraki who nodded in agreement the sky looked beautiful especially when they could see it so clearly.

"I'm glad I came with you ya know," Shigaraki said he couldn't imagine what his father might have done to him if he had stayed.

"Me too glad to have you creep," Touya said Shigaraki rolled his eyes at the nickname.

"I feel the same feeling of watching the stars as I do playing guitar," Touya said Shigaraki realized that was how he felt too.

"You play guitar too?" Shigaraki asked surprised he didn't know that they both played the instrument.

"Yup what kind do you got?" Touya asked.

"I have an acoustic guitar it's old and beat up but it works," Shigaraki said.

"I have one too," Touya said he grabbed his guitar case unzipped it to show it to Shigaraki. Touya's guitar looked new, its wood wasn't scratched like Shigaraki's, the strings weren't pointing in every which direction, and there were blue flames painted on the body. Shigaraki thought Touya's looked nicer but he liked his more since it was the first thing he'd ever bought that wasn't necessities with his own money. The first thing that belonged to him that he cared about. All of Shigaraki's other items he owned were provided by his friends or he bought out of necessity. Shigaraki grabbed his guitar case and got out his guitar to show Touya. Touya smiled at how Shigaraki's guitar looked, "Fits you creep."

"What does that mean?" Shigaraki asked confused.

"It's beaten up the strings sticking up make it look chaotic and the scratches make it look like it's been threw a lot," Touya explained.

"How do you know I've been threw a lot?" Shigaraki asked he assumed Touya could tell as he could. He just got that feeling that Touya had a troubled life. Did he give off the same type of vibe? He and Touya were as different as Summer and Winter he was surprised how they could read each other so easily. 

"I just got a sense," Touya said.

"Got the same about you," Shigaraki replied Touya grinned.

"Nah, dear old dad loves me." He said sarcastically.

"I'm not the only one with daddy issues nice to know," Shigaraki said causing Touya to chuckle. Shigaraki raised an eyebrow confused, "What's so funny?" He asked confused.

"Oh, ya know just how we both got daddy issues," Touya explained Shigaraki didn't find anything about that funny. When Touya realized Shigaraki didn't find the comment amusing he teased him, "What's wrong creep? Don't like talking about your old man?"

"I don't care about him. I just don't see what's so funny about our relationships with our fathers." Shigaraki said.

"Eh, lighten up buzzkill." Touya joked elbowing Shigaraki in the ribs. Shigaraki swatted Touya's arm away Touya frowned as the teen did not reciprocate his teasing. Shigaraki put his guitar back in its case and slung it back over his shoulder. Touya did the same. The sun was beginning to rise by now Touya watched it to pass time. The two sat in silence for a while Touya saw something in the distance, "Is that a town?" He asked Shigaraki to make sure he was seeing it right the thing he saw was still quite far off in the distance.

Shigaraki looked where Touya was, "Yeah, I think so." He said.

"Want to stop here or ride the train to the next stop?" Touya asked Shigaraki.

"I want to get off I don't know about you but I'm hungry and tired, "Shigaraki said.

"Alright, when the train stops make a break for it," Touya said Shigaraki nodded in agreement to the plan.

"Do you want to stick together or go our own ways?" Shigaraki asked he hoped Touya would let them stay together. They'd been threw a lot together in the last day he didn't want it to end. While Touya was an annoying asshole he'd grown on Shigaraki. Besides he was sure he'd get lonely without the others company. Shigaraki had spent his whole life being lonely even with Toga he still felt alone. No matter how long he went feeling lonely he never got used to it he accepted it but he hated it.

"I want to stick together creep," Touya said and Shigaraki smiled.

The train came to a stop the teens got ready to jump. Touya looked at Shigaraki who returned his gaze. Touya grabbed a hold of Shigaraki's hand "Ready?" He asked. Shigaraki nodded he held onto Touya's hand tightly since they were about to jump from a high height. They jumped at the same time Shigaraki landed on his feet he was relieved that he hadn't broken anything. He was still holding hands with Touya he looked at their connected hands and felt a blush rise to his cheeks. Shigaraki didn't have time to think about it anymore as Touya started walking away from the train, "Come on." He said as he tugged on Shigaraki's hand to get him to follow. Shigaraki followed after Touya so this new town was where they were going to be staying for a while. They had little money, no shelter, nobody to help them, might be running away from the law, and had no way of leaving this town unless they train hopped again which was very dangerous. Somehow Shigaraki didn't mind. He realized as long as he was with Touya everything might just turn out okay.

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