Chapter 22 Punk Rock Love

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Shigaraki smiled at Touya he walked over to him. Giran stepped onto the stage he began saying the usual stuff before they officially got married. "Dabi do you take Tomura Shigaraki as you're husband?" Giran asked he looked over at Touya for confirmation. "I do." Touya said he was grinning like a idiot. "Shigaraki do you take Touya Todoroki as you're husband?" Giran asked this time looking over at Shigaraki. "I do." Shigaraki smiled wider as Giran closed his book.

They were finally married he couldn't believe it. Shigaraki grabbed Touya's face smashing their lips together. All their friends and family cheered as they pulled apart. Music started playing from the stage where Kurogiri, All Might, and Spinner where playing. "Care to dance, sir?" Touya asked playfully as he held out his hand. "Hell, yeah!" Shigaraki said he grabbed Touya's hand. Touya yanked him out onto the dance floor.

Shigaraki danced awkwardly he even stepped on Touya's foot once. Touya just laughed and told him it was fine before they contained to dance. Twice was dancing with Toga while Giran held their child. Hifumi was making incoherent noises while pulling on the man's hair. Shigaraki chuckled at watching her. "You know creep I wouldn't mind having a child if it was with you." Touya said Shigaraki was surprised to say the least.

"I was not expecting you to say that." Shigaraki said he looked away blushing. "You look so cute when you blush." Touya teased. Shigaraki rolled his eyes they stopped dancing after everyone got tired. Toga tool Hifumi from Giran she baby talked to her for a while before everyone started passing her around to hold her. Kurogiri held her out for Shigaraki to take he stared at her nervously. What if he dropped her or did something wrong?

"Babe just take the damn baby." Touya said amused interrupting Shigaraki's spiraling. "Oh, uh yeah sorry." He said he grabbed her carefully. Shigaraki stared down at the helpless baby in his arms. It felt weird yet kind of therapeutic at the same time. He didn't notice time was passing as he stared down into her golden eyes. She reached a hand out to touch his nose. Shigaraki smiled he didn't notice Toga taking a picture.

"My turn again!" Twice said excitedly as held out his hands for his daughter. It snapped Shigaraki out of his daze he recovered handing her over to Twice. The man kept making funny faces at Hiyumi who laughed in return. Twice was smiling the biggest Shigaraki had ever seen him. Touya then decided while everyone was distracted to kiss Shigaraki again. Shigaraki kissed back he chuckled at his husband's needyness at wanting his attention.

They all ate a piece of a small cake after that Toga had baked for them. Well, except Hifumi bit she was a baby she couldn't eat it she wanted to. "Open up, creep." Touya said he was grinning he was holding a forkful of cake in front of Shigaraki's mouth. "I got my own." Shigaraki said he normally didn't mind but not in front of their friends. "Aw come on you let me do it when we're alone!" Touya whined Shigaraki sighed he let Touya feed him a bite of cake.

"Those two are so cute." Toga squealed happily as she watched her best friend and his husband. "I know right adorable! Ew, no gross!" Twice said contradicting himself. Toga patted him in the back sympatheticly he grinned at her giving her a thumbs up. "I'm okay." He said now to reassure her. "Alright, that's good want to go get our daughter back from All Might? I swear he loves her more than us. Which is hard to beat." Toga said she giggled at watching the tall guy playing with her daughter.

Twice and Toga got their daughter back from All Might. "I think we have to head out guys she's getting tired." Toga said Hifumi started crying annoying Shigaraki quite a bit. He knew she couldn't help it since it was her only way to communicate how she felt it didn't stop his annoyance though. "See ya thanks for coming." Shigaraki said he felt like he was going to loose his mind if he had to hear the baby willing any longer. Toga nothing his distressed tried to comfort her daughter. "I'll see you later Tomu be safe and take care of Dabi over there okay?" She asked Shigaraki nodded hugging her after Hifumi had been handed over to Twice.

Toga left with a wave using her other hand to hold Twice's. Hifumi was being carried by All Might out to their car as he insisted. Shigaraki found it amusing that a guy as tall and buff as him could be such a softy. Kurogiri left shortly after along with everyone else as it was getting late. "Bars closing boys." Giran said he turned off the large neon open sign. Touya chugged back the last bit of his beer before standing up from his bar stool stretching. "Let's go back to the bus and get some sleep, yeah?" Touya asked Shigaraki who nodded.

"Thanks for this." Shigaraki said he was holding Touya's hand while they walked to the van. Spinner and Magne weren't far behind talking to each other about something they didn't care about. "Thanks for what?" Touya asked curiously. "For everything for coming with me when we ran away. Asking me out. Marrying me. Just being there while no one else ever was." Shigaraki said he stared into Touya's eyes. Touya notes how much love he saw in them and appreciation. "Don't worry about it creep. You helped me do that. Without you I probably wouldn't have gone." Touya said he kissed Shigaraki's hand.

Shigaraki blushed he punched Touya in the shoulder playfully. They both finally got to the van the curled up together on one of the seats. Magne choose to drive since Spinner was drunk. That surprised Shigaraki he had never seen him so out of it. "He probably got excited about all the drinks." Touya said he snickered. "Yeah, let's get some sleep." Shigaraki said he ran his fingers threw his husband's hair to help him relax. Touya snuggled into Shigaraki's stomach his breathing evened out as he fell asleep. Touya soon joined them. Magne watched them with a fond smile on her lips, "I love this band."

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