Chapter 21 Forever Yours

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"I can't believe this is finally happening." Shigaraki said he was still in disbelief he was getting married. "You'll be fine dear just relax." Magne said trying to calm him down. Shigaraki sighed he was nervous this was the biggest day of his life. What if he messed it up somehow? What if Touya changed his mind about wanting to marry him? "Take big sis's advice, Tomu!" Toga said he poked him in the side.

With a annoyed but fond huff he swatted her hand away. "You better be glad I put up with you." Shigaraki said Toga grinned at him. "I'm like you're sister you have to!" She said giggling. "Don't have to just want to." Shigaraki said he ruffled her hair. "Tomu don't mess up my hair! I have to be nice for the wedding!" Toga whined Shigaraki chuckled. "Hifumi is coming to right?" Shigaraki asked curiously.

"Oh, absolutely Twice wanted to leave her home. I think she should come though to her Uncle's wedding." Toga said Shigaraki rolled his eyes at her childish pout. "She's a baby she won't comprehend it. Not that I care if you brought her. I just not a huge fan of babies or kids in general. I like yours though." Shigaraki said he added the last part to not get stabbed. He thought Hifumi was okay for a baby. He still didn't love them though.

"You better because she's half mine." Toga said Shigaraki ignored her. Shigaraki looked himself over in the full body mirror. "Do I look okay?" He asked he was starting to feel self conscious. "You look fine go get him." Toga said to reassure him. Shigaraki sighed he was still nervous but he felt a little better. Shigaraki walked out into the bar he was stopped by Giran.

"What do you need?" Shigaraki asked curiously. "Just wanted to say beers on the house tonight." Giran said patting his back affectionately. "Oh, no tell me you'll cut Dabi off after two." Shigaraki said he didn't want Touya to get drunk at their wedding. "Will do I'll babysit you're soon to be husband." Giran said he chuckled before disappearing back into his office.

They were having their wedding at Giran's bar since it was around where Touya had asked him to be his boyfriend. They also did in his opinion their best show since everyone was supportive of their music. Shigaraki loved the little bar even if it wasn't in the best of condition because the owner was cheap. Cheap was a understatement he is greedy more than anything.

They were having a small wedding consisting of family and friends. As far as Shigaraki was concerned the band was family. Giran was family even if he was a stingy old bastard. He was like the weird Uncle everyone liked for some reason. Shigaraki was glad everyone could show up. He was nervous but excited to marry Touya. Shigaraki stepped up onto the stage now all he had to do was wait for Touya.

  Touya couldn't help himself from smiling. He was getting ready to be married to the man of his dreams. He had done so much and seen a lot of things with him. Touya had heard the beer was free he was going to hold himself back tonight though. "You look great buddy!" Twice said he slapped Touya on the back hard. Touya grumbled at Twice he rubbed his back where he'd been hit. "Thanks Twice." He said annoyed.

"You're welcome!" Twice said grinning at him. Twice's smile was contagious as he couldn't help but grin as well. "Don't mess it up." Spinner said Touya turned around to glare at him. "Thought that was obvious genius." Touya said sarcastically. "Sorry dude just saying. Also, may I ask why you have it out for me?" Spinner asked curiously.

  "What do you mean?" Touya asked confused. "You always tease me a lot more than the others." Spinner explained. "Well, yours and Magne's relationship reminds me of mine and Tomura's when we first got together. New love full of hope and adoration." Touya said he looked away from him a blush on his cheeks he hadn't meant to say it out loud. "Oh, okay." Spinner responded in truth he didn't know how to respond to Touya. "That never leaves this room." Touya said embarrassed the other two men laughed at his misery.

Touya stepped out of the side room finally ready. Touya saw his family at the end of the hallway. Touya regreated inviting them he didn't think he'd ever be ready to face his father. Touya knew Enji was trying to get better weather he wanted to believe it or not. It was so much easier to hate him as it was how he felt about him his whole life. Touya remembered him as someone who made him hate himself and life so much he needed a heavy dose of drugs just to get threw the day.

Touya knew Enji wasn't like that anymore but he desperately wanted him to be. Touya never wanted to forgive the man thought he never could no matter what. But seeing his dad standing their looking proud of all things changed his mind a little bit. Maybe, it was time to move on like the rest of his siblings. He'd never forget the things Enji did but if he was trying Touya should to. Touya stopped as he walked past his dad as a large hand landed on his shoulder.

"I'm proud of you Touya." Enji said he seemed to genuinely mean it. "I've been thinking a little bit. Since you've seen to genuinely change I'll give you a chance. As long as you stay like this I mean." Touya said he was shocked as the man pulled him into a tight bear hug. The others joined in even Shoto who shot him a smug smirk. Touya glared at him half seriously. Enji put him down his dad smiled at him. "Go get married son I'll be behind you." Enji said Touya nodded walking away.

Touya was now in the main bar area his gaze instantly landed on Shigaraki. Shigaraki was wearing a nice button up shirt that they had bought before the wedding. His was a blood red while Touya's was a dark blue. Touya thought that his soon husband was the most beautiful thing he had ever saw. Shigaraki thought the same about Touya as he stepped onto the stage. Touya grinned, "Hello, Tomura Todoroki."

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